Chapter 23

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Summer heat was slowly waning as fall was fast approaching. The two were in Dev's bedroom, on the bed. Dev was sitting up against the backboard with Roshi in his lap. Her left arm was hanging over his shoulder, while her right hand was on the back of his head.

Dev then took an ice cube from his glass and rubbed it on her lips. Ah, it's cold, she said. It's ice, he said sarcastically. Roshi rolled her eyes. Water dripped onto her chin as Dev slowly kissed it off. Do you tell your friends what you do with me, she asked. He stopped and rested against his headboard. No one knows about us remember, he said.

Not now, I meant before, she said. I told them, some things, he said. Like what, she asked. What have you told Peyton and Belle, he asked. I asked you first, she said. He sighed. I mean they know we haven't had sex, he said. And, she asked.

I just said we've went to like second and third base, he said. That's it, she asked. That's all we'd done before, he said. Not that, I meant you didn't give them like details, she asked. He shook his head.

They didn't push you, she asked. I don't really tell people that much, he said. You tell me a lot, even at the beginning when we were friends, she said. I know, that's unusual for me, he said. She smiled.

What do Peyton and Belle know, he asked. Everything, she said. Everything, he asked. Roshi shrugged. Like, specifics, he asked. Roshi nodded. Roshi, he said exclaiming. They're my best friends, she said. I know, but can we keep some things between us, he said.

She laughed. I'm kidding, she squealed. I'm barely comfortable talking about sex with you, I blush whenever they bring it up, she said. She got off him and stood up. I basically said the same thing to them, second and third base, she said.

Dev got up. Well when I turn 18 I definitely won't tell them because at that point what we're doing will technically be illegal, he said. I just realized I don't know when your birthday is, she said.

I don't when your birthday is, Dev said as he put his shirt on. When's yours, he asked. September 18th, she said. Dev laughed. I know it's in like a week, she said. No, not that, he said, my birthday is September 28th, he said as he sat on the floor. What, she said, our birthday's are 10 days apart, she asked.

How did we not know that, he asked. I guess I should've known that since we had to turn 17 before Sep 1st to make the cut off date, she said. Roshi sat down next to him.

I'm older than you, Roshi realized, so technically I'm the one who would go to jail for having sex with a minor, she said. They laughed. Roshi then got serious. How about your birthday, she asked. My birthday what, he asked. How about we have our first time on your birthday, she asked. Oh, he said.

After Prom I didn't wanna pressure you so I haven't brought it up, but we had to talk about it sometime, she said. Dev continued to think. You don't have to answer now, she said. She stood up. You have more important things to worry about, she said as she held out her hand to help him up. What, he said as he took it and stood up. You only have a week to get me an amazing gift, she said as she walked out the door.

It was a Saturday night and a common occurrence for Roshi's family was to go to an Indian party in the community. All of the other kids Roshi's age stopped coming to the parties when they got to high school but her parents made her continue to come into sophomore year.

But then starting junior year she finally convinced them she was too old to go, and also that they were just plain boring. They agreed, except when it came to special functions like poojas or Diwali.

This particular Saturday night was Gharba. It usually happened in October but since Hinduism is based on an astrological calendar festivals are never the same date every year and can vary by a couple days, or even a couple weeks.

A family in the Indian community owned a Days Inn so Gharba was always held there as they could use the large conference room for free. It was nearly 7pm when Roshi and her family arrived. She noticed the parking lot was full. A lot of people are already here, Roshi said. Her parents didn't say anything as they walked into the hotel.

They walked through the lobby to see some small kids run quickly into the conference room. They reached the double doors and Roshi's dad opened the door for her. Roshi walked in first. Happy Birthday, everyone screamed.

She walked in to see the conference room completely decorated with banners, balloons, and tons of photos of her. The entire Indian community was there, but of course no one her age. The oldest kids were the middle school kids her brother's age.

The one shining spot was Peyton and Belle who were also there. So at least there was that. They ran up to her and hugged her while a photographer went around taking photos. She turned to her parents. When did you plan this, she asked. A while ago, Mr. Kumaran said. A surprise party where she was the center of attention was definitely not her idea of fun, but she appreciated the effort. Thanks, she said.

Roshi walked around with her mom to make sure she said hello to everyone at the party. She then got to Mr. and Mrs. Patel. Happy birthday beta, Mrs. Patel said as she hugged her. Thanks auntie, Roshi said. Happy birthday, Mr. Patel said as he patted her shoulder. Roshi smiled.

Happy birthday Roshi, she heard. She turned around to see Dev walk up to them. Uh, thanks, she said awkwardly. Before the conversation could engage further she quickly jumped in. I should go say hi to everyone else, she said as she walked away.

Roshi didn't expect Dev to be there. It would have been odd if Mr. and Mrs. Patel didn't come being the newest members of the Indian community, so that she wasn't surprised to see, but Dev could've easily stayed home. Him being here was just going to complicate things unnecessarily.

The dinner was catered by a local restaurant. While Belle enjoyed the food, Peyton complained the food was too spicy so she wasn't able to eat anything. She was getting hungry so she and Belle said they were going to go grab burgers then come back later.

Roshi went to the restroom to wash her hands after dinner. She ran into Dev on her way out. Hey, he said. Hi, she returned. Roshi looked to see no one around. She nodded her head to the side indicating Dev should follow her.

Growing up Roshi and the other kids would play Hide & Seek in this hotel all the time so she knew it pretty well. She walked into the restaurant that was currently closed. They sat at a booth.

How long have you known about this, she asked. A few days, he said. You could've told me you were going to be here, she said. It's a surprise party, he said. I could've mentally prepared, she said. I know, he said.

You look, amazing, he said. Roshi was wearing fancy Indian clothes. It was a bejewelled top, a long skirt, and a shawl. Thanks, I wore this at my cousin's wedding last year, she said. You'll wear something like this at our wedding, he said. She smirked.

Except this will be different, he said leaning in. He took her shawl from her neck and spread it out to place it over her head. Like that, he said. You look good too, she said. Dev was also in Indian clothes with a thin shawl covering the back of his neck and hanging in the front.

Yeah, he asked. Yeah, she said as she took his shawl through her fingers. I really wanna kiss you right now, he said. Roshi bit her lip. She looked out at the entrance of the restaurant. She didn't see any movement. She pulled Dev in and kissed him, but just for a moment.

On your birthday, we should wear these again, she said. Why, he asked. I want you to take this off me, she said. Dev cleared his throat. We should go back, he said. Wait 2 minutes, she said. She kissed him one more time as she left. 

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