Chapter 13

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Saturday morning Roshi woke up close to 11am. Usually her mom banged on the door at 10am to wake her up so she was wondering why she was allowed to sleep in today. Maybe since she got home close to midnight her mom was going to cut her some slack--- she thought. 

BANG BANG BANG she heard on the door. Roshi, wake up, she heard her mom scream from the other side of the door. Okay, Roshi yelled back. She heard her mom walk down the stairs. 

Roshi rolled over and took her phone off the stand. No messages from Dev. Shocking. Maybe he had another car accident she thought to herself sarcastically. She immediately cringed at the horrible thought that came into her mind. No matter how annoyed she was with him she still cared about him, and obviously didn't want anything to happen to him.

She was eating dosai and sambar for breakfast when the landline rang. Her mom answered it. Roshi's brother was making little balls from the dosai flakes and throwing them at Roshi as her mom was on the phone. Hello, Mrs. Kumaran said into the phone. Stop it, Roshi said at her brother but he kept doing it anyway.

Quiet, Mrs. Kumaran said as she covered the phone to snap at the two of them. She went back to the phone. How are you Sunitha, she asked. Roshi perked up as she realized her mom was talking to Dev's mom. Tonight, no we don't have any plans, her mom said. Roshi was wondering what they were talking about as her brother continued to throw dosai flakes at her.

Yeah that would be nice, it has been sometime, I'll just check with Ganesh but should be fine, she said. Okay then, bye, she said as she hung up. What's going on, Roshi asked a bit too frantically. Her mom noticed. Nothing, Sunitha just invited us to dinner, she said. Tonight, Roshi asked. Yeah, why, her mom asked. No reason, Roshi said.

Roshi went back to eating her breakfast. She wondered if Dev orchestrated this. His parents knew he was at the party last night, but she didn't know if he told them Roshi was also going to be there. Maybe he told them they got in a fight and his mom suggested a dinner party as a way to resolve things.

That night they drove up to Dev's house and it was definitely a different energy from the last time they all came here together. Last time, the first time, Roshi was nervous slash excited about what was going to unfold. This time she was more dreading it as she wanted a break from the drama.

It was also different because last time she was wearing her conservative oversized Indian clothes. This time she was wearing a cotton fitted blouse and a skirt that went slightly below her knee. Not edgy, but definitely not conservative. She normally didn't dress like this and thought for sure her parents wouldn't approve, but they were preoccupied elsewhere.

Her brother had a school field trip for the next few days so her parents were focused on making sure he had everything he needed for that leaving Roshi for the most part ignored while her brother was getting dropped off. 

As they reached Dev's house and Roshi was taking her shoes off at the entry way she remembered how last time they came Dev was standing at the second floor balcony watching her. After the parents all dispersed she looked up, curiously, but there was nothing to see. He wasn't there this time.

What are you looking at, she heard. She turned to see Dev exit the office room and walk toward her. Nothing, she said. There was an awkward silence. Was this your idea, she asked motioning to the general setting. No, he said, my mom literally just told me this morning. She believed him; he had no reason to lie.

You look nice, he said. Thanks, she said. You don't usually dress like this, he noted. She shrugged. Awkward silence again.

Do you wanna go upsta-- he started then stopped himself realizing what he was saying. I didn't mean-- he started, but Roshi interrupted. I know, she said. He motioned to the staircase. She led the way as he followed behind.

Dev walked towards his room when Roshi stopped in the middle of the hallway. Do you mind if we just sit here, she asked. Yeah, he said. He balanced his weight on his left hand as they sat down. From where they sat they were looking at the other second floor balcony that looked into the family room. They could see the dads talking in there.

I might have overreacted a little, she started but he jumped in. You're right, he said. Huh, she asked. You're right, he said, partially. She waited for him to explain. I meant everything I said about the movies, and the dates, and the flowers. That was all true. But you were right about the attention, he said.

I like people knowing you're with me, and showing off how happy we are, but you're not like a trophy to me. I'm not with you for the attention, he concluded. What about all of that upstairs stuff, she asked. I didn't think it had to go as far as the minivan, I just thought we could get some time alone, he said. But you realize the chances of having gotten caught were pretty high, right, she asked.

I guess, he said. And then of course you'd look good, she said. Yeah, I suppose, he succumbed. There was a pause in the conversation. Now I'm gross, he said. You were a little drunk, she said quietly. That's no excuse, he said. I was kind of giving you mixed signals, she said. It wasn't outrageous for you to think I'd want to at least make out, she said.

I shouldn't just assume that though, he said. No you shouldn't, she said. After a long pause, Dev spoke up. We fight a lot, he said. Roshi laughed. Yeah, is that not normal, she asked.

My friends fight with their girlfriends. But it's usually like they get mad because they forgot to call them back or didn't notice a new haircut or something, he said. Our fights are all... Dev struggled to find the word. Deep, Roshi offered. Yeah, deep, he agreed. Yeah, she said. They stared at each other.

They fell into the bathroom all over each other as he shut the door behind him. Roshi had her hands at the base of his jaw as they were kissing. Her elbow kept knocking into his cast. Ow, he said. Sorry, sorry, she said. I'll just rip it off he said, as he went to loosen the straps. She stopped him.

No, she said alarmed. I'll put it back when we're done, he explained. No it's fine, just leave it, she said. She moved him aside so she was now against the door and he was leaning into her. She put her arms over his shoulders as she held onto his head.

See, she asked. They went back to kissing. Roshi moved her hand down Dev's torso when he stopped her.  Why don't you want me to touch you, she asked. He got embarrassed. I'm nervous, he finally said. She kissed the side of his face reassuringly. Don't be nervous, she said, just be with me. She looked at him waiting. He nodded. 


He gently moved her hair away from her face as he kissed the side of her face. Was that okay, she asked. He didn't answer as he kept softly kissing her neck and face. First the left side, then on the right.

Then he went down and kissed her collarbone. He worked his way down to her torso. He knelt on the ground as he slightly lifted her shirt and kissed her stomach. She put one hand on his head, caressing it.

R&DOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora