Chapter 6

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On Sunday Roshi woke up to have a massive headache. She didn't sleep well the night before stressing out about the lie she told Dev and was worried he was going to bring it up again at some point.

She got up from the bed and immediately felt dizzy. She held onto the wall for support. She didn't know what was happening. And before she knew it, she passed out on the floor.


Roshi woke up to hear beeping. She looked around the room and had no idea where she was. This definitely wasn't her bedroom, or anywhere in her house for that matter. There were monitors near by and tubes connected to her arm. Then she was able to put it together. She was in the hospital. She fell back asleep.


In the hall Mr. and Mrs. Kumaran were talking to the doctor. He was able to tell them that it appeared that Roshi hadn't eaten anything in over 10 days and anything she had eaten she had immediately thrown up. Her parents were shocked and had no idea this was happening. The doctor explained that Roshi was connected to an IV and would be able to get nutrients back in her system quickly, but they'll need to monitor her for 2 more days. After that her meals will need to be scheduled to make sure she's eating.


Mr. and Mrs. Patel walked into the waiting room to see Mr. and Mrs. Kumaran seated. They stood up when they saw them walk in. How is she, Mr. Patel quickly asked. She's sleeping now, Mr. Kumaran said. Dev quickly rushed in a second later. Uncle, how is she, what happened, he said panicked.

She's okay, Mr. Kumaran said. Do they know what happened, Mrs. Patel asked. Mr. Kumaran looked at Mrs. Kumaran wondering if they should explain. Mrs. Kumaran nodded yes. The doctor said she hasn't eaten anything in 10 days, he said. What, why, Mrs. Patel asked. The Kumarans shrugged.

Dev's face dropped. He had noticed Roshi wasn't eating, but didn't realize how severe the situation was. The doctor came back out. Mr. Kumaran introduced Mr. and Mrs. Patel as friends and said they could see Roshi's medical chart as they were also doctors.

As they were discussing the situation, Dev interjected. Can I see her, he quickly asked. Only family, the doctor said. She's my sister, he quickly lied. Mr. and Mrs. Kumaran were surprised to hear the lie, but Mr. and Mrs. Patel weren't.

The doctor looked at the two sets of parents and quickly recognized it was a lie. Sorry, no, just her parents, he said. The doctor tried to talk with the Patels again, but Dev interrupted and turned to his mom. Mom I have to see her, he said. I know beta, Mrs. Patel said reassuringly, you will.

No, Mom, I have to see her, Dev exclaimed. Everyone in the waiting room turned to look. The Kumarans were shocked to see such a reaction from their daughter's math study partner. Beta, Mrs. Patel said trying to calm him down. Dev, just wait, Mr. Patel. No I can't wait, I have to see her, I have to see her, Dev continued.

Roshi was asleep peacefully in her bed. She slowly opened her eyes. Where was she? This all looked vaguely familiar. The beeping. The monitors. Oh right, she's in the hospital. There were wires tied to her arms. But the difference this time was Dev sitting in a chair near her bed, holding her hand, and looking down.

Did I have my tonsils removed, she asked. Dev looked up to see Roshi was awake. Hey, he said. Roshi touched her throat. My throat feels the same, are they still in there, she asked. You didn't have your tonsils removed, he said. Oh, she said, then what happened?

You don't remember, he asked. I remember having a bad headache and then feeling dizzy, but that's it, she said. Dev just nodded solemnly. So what happened, she asked. The doctors said you haven't eaten anything in 10 days and you passed out, he said. Roshi's face dropped. Roshi why weren't you eating, he asked.

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