Chapter 9

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Roshi walked through the hospital hallways unsure of what to expect. Mrs. Patel told her that Dev was "bruised" but she didn't go into details. Since Mr. and Mrs. Patel both worked at the hospital they were able to get Roshi into the hospital room even though she wasn't family.

Roshi followed the nurse into the room. She stopped at the doorway, like a deer in the headlights. Dev's head was bandaged and his right arm was in a cast. There were cuts on his face, that looked deep enough Roshi was sure they were going to leave a scar.

The nurse saw Roshi didn't follow her into the room. It's okay honey, she told Roshi. Roshi cautiously walked into the room and stood nearby the bed. You should try talking to him, the nurse suggested. Roshi merely nodded. She watched as the nurse walked out leaving her alone in the room.

Roshi looked at all of the monitors and tubes connected to Dev. For the first time she had an idea of what Dev must have felt like seeing her at the hospital after her fainting episode. But this was so much worse. Roshi probably just looked like she was asleep when Dev was waiting for her to wake up.

Dev was unconscious, and they didn't know when he was going to wake up. She remembered when she woke up in the hospital that day Dev was holding her hand. She thought she should do the same but she was scared. She felt as if she'd break him if she touched him. But she pushed herself to do it. She walked to the left side of the bed where his left arm was laying flat.

She pulled the chair close to his bed and very cautiously held his hand in between her own. She remembered the nurse said she should talk to him. She didn't know what to say so just started talking.

Hi. It's Roshi. Maybe you know that. I was at a movie when your mom called my mom. Otherwise I would've come earlier. It was a DreamWorks movie. Wasn't that good, but I guess that's expected since it wasn't Pixar. I didn't really do much this week after I came back from Montana. I finished my English paper. So that's good I guess. Don't have to worry about that now.

Roshi paused and reflected.

I thought you'd message me, after we talked. You always message me. Even if I forget you always do. I didn't realize how much I liked that until you stopped doing it. I don't think you're possessive. I think you just care. Which is also nice. This week was really hard for me not talking to you. I really missed you.

She looked at Dev. He showed no signs of waking up. Roshi fell asleep in the guest chair with a blanket thrown over her body. She woke up to see it was 7pm. She got up and took a look at Dev. He looked the same as before. She left to use the restroom.

On the way back from the restroom she saw Mr. Patel wearing scrubs talking to a fellow doctor. He spotted Roshi and walked up to her.

Hi Roshi, he said. Hi Uncle, how is he doing, she asked. Same, he said, nothing's changed. Roshi nodded. You can go home beti, I'll call you if anything happens, he said. I want to stay please, she said. Sure, he said, I'll come check on you later, he said. She nodded as he walked away.

Roshi was eating food from a cafeteria tray the nurse had brought her. The food was actually pretty good. She wondered how much money this was going to cost. Maybe since Dev's parents work at the hospital they get all this for free? She didn't know how health care worked.

She was watching Friends on the TV when she felt movement on the bed. At first she thought she pulled out a wire, but then she looked at Dev and noticed his face moving. Nurse, nurse, she shouted as she stood up. Dev's eyes then opened. Hey, she said relieved.

Dev just groaned in return. It's Roshi, she said. He still didn't say anything. Dev can you hear me, she asked. The nurse ran into the room to check his vitals. I'll go get the doctor, she said. Roshi nodded.

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