Chapter 7

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Now that Roshi was back to normal she and Dev could no longer have their study sessions in her bedroom. Which meant they were relegated to the only other spot available in her house. The very public dining table where her mother was always nearby in the kitchen or her brother could see from where he was in the family room. No more alone time. So the two had to get creative.

During the week Roshi and Dev would give up a lunch break and sneak off to his car. Not every day, as Dev's friends would get suspicious. They'd also park on random deserted streets to be extra cautious. 

One day, they were in the back seat sitting side by side with Roshi's legs draped over Dev's lap as she leaned into the door. His left hand was cradling the back of her head while his right was supporting her back while they kissed.

An alarm then started buzzing. They both groaned at the interruption. Dev slide down and laid his head on Roshi's lap as she caressed his hair. We should go back, she said. He groaned louder and held onto her torso.

That afternoon they were studying at Roshi's house when Mrs. Kumaran said she had to take Roshi's brother to a doctor's appointment. So Dev and Roshi were going to be home alone, unchaperoned. They both said they would just study.

The second Mrs. Kumaran drove away, Dev turned to Roshi. Let's go to your room, he said. Roshi rolled her eyes. Amma probably tricked us and she's going to be back in like 5 minutes, she said. Really, he asked. No, she concluded.

They walked into Roshi's room all over each other. Dev went to close the door but she said to keep it open so they could hear if someone came back home.


Dev was laying on the ground on his back, while Roshi laid next to him on her stomach. His left arm was interwined with hers, as he caressed her skin.

Dev could tell Roshi was deep in thought. What, he asked. What, she said. What are you thinking about, he asked. Nothing, she said. Just tell me, he said. She began to blush. What is it, he asked amused. She scrunched her face and closed her eyes. She was about to answer him when she heard the garage door open.

They're back, she said frantically. She jumped up and ran out of the room. Dev quickly followed behind. They stopped at the top of the stairs and looked out of the living room window. They waited as the car pulled onto the driveway and then into the garage. Quickly they ran down the stairs and took their seats. Mrs. Kumaran and Roshi's brother walked in to see the two of them hard at work. None were the wiser. 

That night Roshi was laying on her bed as she was texting Dev. He continued to press her about that afternoon.

When are you going to tell me? 

There's nothing to tell

Liar How's the weather there? You don't trust me? Here it's a little cold You can tell me anything

She stared at his last text. Wondering.

----- Dev was in his room, ignoring texts from his friends as he wanted to see what Roshi was going to say. He saw the notification on WhatsApp show that "Roshi is typing..." He continued to wait.

You tell me something first

He didn't understand what she was asking.

Like what?

Anything. Something personal.

Dev pondered this. What could he tell her?

----- Roshi sat on her bed, waiting. She saw the "Dev is typing..." notification. But then it stopped. Then it started again. Then it stopped. Apparently he was having a hard time thinking of something to tell her. Finally he sent something.

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