| Chapter 8 |

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„How was your week, Love?" Victoria Andrews asked as she put on her reading glasses. Her blonde hair was straightened today, but in Love's opinion, the waves suited her more.

„A little chaotic. My friend's condition is getting worse." Love admitted. She regained that much that she had to be completely honest with her therapist, other way the therapy wouldn't work. Inside the therapy session, she was No-Filter Love.

„Which friend of yours is getting worse?"

„Corpse. He doesn't like to talk about it, though."

„And how's that make you feel?" Victoria asked, a pen ready in her hand.

„Well... I would like that if he could trust me more. But we're not friends for that long."

„You mentioned him first two months ago," the therapist read from her notes and looked back at her patient. „Since then you're more in control of your emotions. That's a good effect of this friendship."

Love smiled upon her words. It made her happy that she finally made progress in her therapy.


Oh, there goes her happiness.

„You started getting more anxious. A little more chaotic. Today, you were late for your appointment, and you're always on time."

„I know, I'm sorry," Love apologized more to her friend, not to her therapist. Victoria's eyes softened and she placed her glass in her lap.

„I know you don't want to take any necessary meds, but..."

„No, I don't," the brunette cut her off. „I just stayed up late, that's all."

Victoria eyed her patient for a bit, then made a note in her notebook:

trouble sleeping?

„Do you have trouble sleeping again?" the blonde asked.

„No. I just have a lot of work." Love said casually, which was not entirely true.

„Having a good work-life balance is important, Love. And a good sleep schedule also could help with that."

Love knew that her therapist was right. She just didn't like to admit it.

My sleep schedule is fucked, Love. Go to sleep.

No, I'll stay up with you.

You sound tired.

No, I'm not. You sound tired.

Fuck off, asshat.

You pronounced 'thank you' wrong.

„Love?" Victoria's slightly impatient voice pulled her out of her thoughts. The brunette's face turned red from embarrassment.

„Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," she apologized.

„No problem. I was just asking about your nightmares."

Oh, yes, her nightmares.

Even hearing that word made her skin crawl. Love often had nightmares from her past – either including her ex-boyfriend or her ex-best friend. Either way, it was always a traumatic experience.

„It's better now, I think. I usually don't remember my dreams."

„That's an improvement," Victoria said and took some notes. „Would you like to talk about what was your latest dream about?"

Her face turned the brightest red. She couldn't talk about that dream.

I like your voice, but you're so annoying.

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