| Chapter 39 |

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„Hey, asshat! I saw this ugly ass rat the other day, eating some trash in the street and it reminded me of you. Look, I even took a video of it."

[Love attached a video]

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„Whaddup baby. I was on my way to therapy and stub my toe in the chair, it reminded me of you. You know, because you're a pain in the ass."

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„So, I was going to grab you some doughnuts from the coffee shop, but the line was longer than my will to live, so you don't get doughnuts. Hah, suck it, loser!"

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„You fucker, you were here a week ago and your fucking hair is still in random ass places. Today I felt an itch, and guess what? Your fucking hair was in my pants!"

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„I burnt my chicken, it looks like you. Oh, look, even Quinn doesn't want to eat it! You just got rejected by a pussy."

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„Do you remember the little fucking gnome outside my house? Bruh, somebody stole it. Fucking stole it! Who the fuck would want something as ugly as you in their house by choice?"

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„Okay, Spanish Hannah Montana, I don't understand anything from the last message you just sent me. It sounds like angry Spanish noises, or maybe you're just summoning some demons, I dunno."

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„I tried to make some pancakes, but it sucked so bad I threw it out from my balcony and it hit some child and it started crying. It was fucking hilarious!"

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„Do you need anything from the store? Because even though I like you, I don't like you enough to go into this hellhole one more time, because Your Highness forgot to add something to the list. SO HURRY THE FUCK UP AND ANSWER!"

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„I'm so fucking bored, and I see that you're up, so stop ignoring me, you ass, and come watch anime with me."

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„So, uhm, imagine that your sister is forcing you to come with her to your mother's engagement party, and you had to decide to sacrifice your sanity or hers, and you chose yours because you're a shithead. Yeah, couldn't be me... So I need you there as an emotional support animal since I can't bring Quinn with me because my mother is a demon. Be free next weekend."

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Love wasn't kidding about the engagement party, and it made her more nervous than it should have. Of course, for Angie, Love would sacrifice a part of her soul, but they haven't parted in the best way with her mother.

Her mother was allergic to cat fur, so there was no way she could bring Quinn with her, so she needed some other thing to not have a mental breakdown on the way there, and that thing happened to be Corpse.

„I like your boyfriend," Angie stated randomly as they talked in the middle of the night. Love almost choked on air hearing her words.

„What boyfriend? Did I miss something?"

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