2. Broken Past

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 You must have wonder how can an almost somehow angel like Pete end up being with such a Satan like Vegas. 

8 months ago

On the rainy night we seen a boy with fair skin, beautiful curve waist, a doe eye but you can also see tear falling down from that eye. If you look at the boy lips was pale. He was walking alone on the road that was empty nothing was past along not even a single car. All you can see is darkness, all u can hear is rain . The boy seem to be in pain.

Pete POV:

  My 20 birthday, everything  break apart. The most important person that love and the only one that love has left me. My grandma, a person whom raise me, feed me and love me after my parent pass away and now she left too. Why am I such a bad luck? 

It's my birthday, it's suppose to be the happiest day, grandma suppose to be cheerful, she suppose to stay and celebrate with me but what now? Everything just turn into darkness. 

 Pete walk until he arrive at a luxurious condo. He was drenched in rain as he stand in front of his boyfriend door. 

knock knock after a few second the door open a girl 

"Who are you? What are you here for?" the girl ask.

Pete was shock, wondering who was she and as to why she was in his boyfriend room?

"I should ask the same." Pete said with a cold tone and unknown expression.

"..." The girl did not answer.

Minutes pass by and a man with brown hair, almond eye and a manly body with abs, half naked with only a towel around his waist appear behind the girl

"Pete." He called Pete name with a rather shocking face as Pete appearing in front of his room, body soak but that expression disappear instantly

" Dane. I need to talk to you" Pete said still expressionless. After what happened to his grandma he was too tired to argue, too tired to fight. If Dane love other then just tell him, he will walk away quietly, just give him a clear explanation.

" Come in first" Dane answer.

After Pete change his clothes and dried his hair. Dane appear handing a hot water to Pete. Both of them sit in silence. The atmosphere in the room was dull and dark. 

" Who was she?" Pete decided to broke the silence.

"... " Dane did not answer.

" Your new girlfriend or you just fuck her?" Pete asks

" I-" 

 That alright" Dane was about to talk but Pete cut him off.

" Pete, it not what you think" Dane.

" Do you know what I think?" Pete ask "You know nothing" Pete scoffed

"Tell me then, why are you here at this hours? You can't be here just to said this right?" Dane snap back

" Do you love me?" Pete

" Of course Pete. I do love you. If not why would I date you?" Dane

"Not before,  I mean now or perhaps this past few months. " Pete

" You've changed" 

Dane and Pete have been dating for 2 years but this past few months Pete seem to notice that his boyfriend has change. He work late, barely going out for a date, unlike before. Sometimes when Pete come for a sleepover, Dane will be outside, talking on phone for hours but Pete never doubt anything because he trust his boyfriend. After what he saw today he can't guarantee that his trust still the same.

 Right I changed. " Dane said his face emotionless.

He continue " As time passed by every thing change, people thought change so do I. I bet you do change too isn't it?"

"I might change many things but nothing change between you  and me." Pete

After some minute Dane decided to talk again

"Let break up Pete" Dane said still expressionless.

Pete was shock, how can he said something like this so easy, like it some kind of joke.

" W-why?" Pete ask his voice might sound normal but the pain was showing clearly in his eye.

" Cause I don't love you anymore" Dane answer like nothing has happened.

"I thought you love me" Pete said his voice finally broke, tear coming from his eye like water fall.  He love and care for Dane as much as he love his grandma. He never thought Dane would say something like this so hastily, it like a thousand blade fight through his chest and stab throug his heart. 

"Like I said people change so do I" Dane his voice and facial expression still the same.

In the room full of sobbing voice and painful scream, Pete cried and cried and cried until there was no tear left. He was really broke, really tired, both physically and mentally. He was too tired that he want to rest, wanted to disappear from this cruel world.

 "If you done crying than get out" Dane 

"I'm not a comforter for a broken heart boy" Dane

Pete get up weakly walking passed Dane to the doors, putting his hand on the knob as he about about to open the door but the voice cut him off.

"You should be more clever than this Pete". It was Dane voice

Pete try to swallow all his weakness, his crying, his pain and turned to answer Dane with a cold tone

"You're right." Pete

After a short pause Pete continued " I'm not crying because of the break up, I'm crying because I love a person like you and you know what it pathetic"

Pete then open the door and close it back with the loud slam.

Pete walk on the road, he was walking as he himself doesn't even know where to go. He just too tired to think. Suddenly, Pete feel light head and dizzy, his eye become blur, his vision is no longer clear and his legs went weak. He then fell to ground and pass out on the road.


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