24. Run Away

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But this probably gonna be the last time Pete got to feel this.

Pete stared at the sleeping Vegas as a smile formed on his lips but that smile soon disappears after he look at the time on his phone, it 2:50.

Pete kissed Vegas' lips "I love you so much but - but you lied to me."

"I wish all my thought are wrong and that you have nothing to do with them," Pete said while crying to the unconscious Vegas.

Pete had secretly put the sleeping drugs into Vegas wine, after their steamy night Vegas had fallen deep asleep and that came the chance Pete need to run away. After the many minutes, he spends admiring Vegas as if collecting as many memories as possible from that unforgotten face and then it is time to leave. He can't afford to ruin the plan of the families he had left.

He gets up from the bed and put on all-black clothes this way it is easier to bland while getting out.  Pete pulled out a black bag that he had hidden from who knows when. He heads silently toward the door and presses the knob open as gently as possible, Pete turns around to look at Vegas one last time with a faint smile he said "After tonight we're a stranger. Goodbye"

Pete plans to leave for good and never came back, he decides to leave all the bad memories behind and start a new life in Paris but he also needs to leave the good memories he had with Vegas this past year.

Can he really survive without Vegas?

In the deep night, there is a black silhouette lurking suspiciously near the bushes beside the enormous mansion of Teerapanyakul, the man in his mid 20 keeps looking around as if searching for someone. Some minutes pass by the other small figure appears to look equally suspicious dressed in all black and that was no other than Pete.

Since the other person is present, the man's expression becomes cautious and his movement turns smooth and gentle. Upon a clearer view of Pete, he relaxes a bit as he states "Young master"

Pete nods in acknowledgment but he said no words as a greeting back. Besides learning the truth about his parents, his first love was his cousins, his uncle is alive and he had known that his most respected school senior was a spy sent by Dane to protect him, Dave.

What a ton of lies!

Dave can feel the distance Pete puts between them, he retreats and gives the space Pete needs.

"Where are Dane and uncle?" Pete asks merely a whisper

"They are waiting, this way, please" Dave answered with equal silence and respectful

Dave leads the way toward the metal fence which is tall and slender but if we look closer the fence had been trimmed to make it easier to climb.

"We gonna need to climb this" Dave

"I will go first, please be careful when you climb. I will help you get down on the other side" Dave instructed Pete

After finishing his instructions and assure that nothing goes wrong with a quick leap he gets to another side. Pete was amazed by the action but that feeling did not last for long because it is now his turn.

He can't deny the fact that he is scared but the urge to the feeling of must to complete this task made him overcome it and finally climb to the other side, the back of the mansion is dark, and Pete couldn't see he had tripped while climbing back down. Luckily Dave caught him in time.

Pete could feel the pain and burning sensation on his right calf, he look down to see that his leg is bleeding probably happen when he trips. Dave seems to notice, he bends down and gives it a look as he asks "Does it hurt?"

"Hang on to it," Dave said with all concern and help support Pete as they both walk hurriedly toward the forest

They walk for quite a while before seeing a faint light but the surrounding was quiet, as they walk closer two black cars are waiting there but see no sight of the owner.

As they enter, the zone group of men dressed in all blacks jumps out of blue and surrounds them with hands holding a gun pointing right at their heads.

Pete was shocked so was Dave but soon the men put the gun down. Dane rushes forward to check on Pete as he notices Dave was supporting him.

"What was that?" Pete asked he direct his question to the action that just happens

"I had to make sure it was you" Dane answered deliberately

Pete does understand tho he asks just to not focus on his beating heart. Many things change but his heart still races every time Dane interacts this close with him. Perhaps he still had a feeling? He, himself could never answer that question.

"Let go," Dane said using a tone like that of a leader

After more than an hour's ride, they arrive at the villa on the outskirt of Bangkok. Dane was bandaging Pete's wound.

"Does it hurt much?" Dane ask with a worried face, his eye full of affection

Pete silently stares before he turns away and answers sarcastically "I guess not as much as my 20th birthday"

"I'm sorry" Dane apologize as he knew that day was the worst for Pete and he also took part in hurting him

"Sorry?" Pete scoff

"Don't be. It isn't like it was your fault" Pete

He can't understand himself, after learning the truth he keeps telling himself that Dane did it to protect him but on the other hand he feels hurt to the point he can't forgive Dane.

"Did breaking up with was part of the plan too?" Pete asks his tone was flat

"Pete-" Dane had yet to speak before Pete cut him off

"No. Let me change the question. Did loving me part of your plan?" Pete

Silence fell through the air and the intensity was thick, suddenly Dane move to kiss Pete on the lips and caught Pete completely off guard.

Pete was shocked, his eyes widened but he got no urge to push Dane away, he even felt the warmth of the lips that once kissed him. Tears stream down his eyes, he can't even be sure why.

After a passionate soft kiss that expresses many deep feelings that they both pour it all out making them get to know one another more than just cousins.

"Even if it is, love, our relationship is still way beyond the word 'plan'" Dane clarifies in a modified gentle tone

"You liar," Pete said with a faint smile

Something behind those unforgivable feelings made him strangely happy

Vegas woke up as his head throbbed terribly, he could feel the heaviness like a thousand kilo stone was there.

His hand moves to find the warmth of the person whom he hugged every night no matter how much he tries to, he can't seem to feel the presence of that person at all

Vegas slowly opens his eyes as he calls out tone flat "Pete"

He seems to realize something as his hand grips hard until his knuckle turns white with a loud thud the wall beside the bed crack and blood flow endlessly as he cursed "Fuck"


Love or Obsession?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora