4. Don't remember?

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   A few seconds later a bedroom door open up showing a familiar figure, with dark hair, a whiskey eye, a chiseled jawline, perfect body. Vegas entered a bedroom walking toward Pete, holding a tray of food in his hand. Cool, calm, collected

Vegas POV:

" Why are you shocked little bunny?" Vegas 

" N-nothing" Pete stutters his mind is now on the edge of craziness he thought of many things, he becomes unsure of what happened. Was he sleeping with Vegas?

" Shower and eat" Vegas place the tray on the nightstand beside Pete

Pete does not respond still looking at Vegas every movement at first he decides not to ask about what happened because he is afraid of the truth but his curiosity wins his fear

" W-what happened last night? Why am I in your room on your bed especially all naked?" Pete stutter a little because he was embarrassed

" You don't remember?" Vegas asks his earlier expression changing into something cold and his voice is deep. 

" No, I don't. So, what exactly happens care to explain?" Pete try hard to contain his voice afraid the bigger figure will be angry cuz judging by Vegas expression now it was like he was about to unalive someone.

  After somewhat feeling like an eternity Vegas answers. 

" Nothing happens little bunny" 

" Now go to shower and eat your breakfast" 

After telling Pete what to do Vegas decide to walk out. 

One side of him wanted Pete to remember, remember that Vegas had consumed him as his but the other side wanted Pete to forget what happen because he know the level of obsession toward this boy is way beyond anything he can expect since before their first meeting. 

But this past few months Vegas obsession with Pete become more and more since Pete started school. He will get angry, feeling jealous whenever Pete smile at other no matter if it is his friends from school or his bodyguard it made Vegas want to lock the boy up so that he can only see him and his smile. The way the boys make Vegas lose control every time they made eye contact. It just drives him mad. 

Pete headed to shower in the Vegas bathroom. Vegas and Pete did not stay in the same room but sometimes Vegas call Pete to sleep over, Pete dare not to obey so he do what he told. The 'sometimes' that Vegas called Pete to sleep over in his room was 25 days in one month, Pete barely stay in his room. Even though they sleep on the same bed almost every night but they never have sex. And that drove Vegas crazy all he could do is to hug him or secretly kiss him when he was asleep, caressing his cheek and enjoying the view of Pete's face up close. Vegas is afraid that once he lay a hand and consumes Pete there will be no going back, and he will surely never let him go especially, after what happened last night Vegas don't think he can let Pete go anymore, there is no going back now. 

But Pete doesn't know that this wasn't the room that Vegas want Pete to be in but it was another room.

What room? It is yet to reveal.

Pete POV

Pete wash his body and shampooed his hair since last night he was drunk and went straight to sleep. Does he go straight to sleep or did he do something before sleeping? But that is what Pete has thought. But the more he thought, he can't help but be curious about the soreness of his butt and the aching of his back. 

After an hour of showering Pete decides to step out he stands in front of the mirror drying his hair then he gazes at his body through the mirror then found the purple mark on his neck, his nipple, and almost all over his body. 

During the shower, Pete was deep in thought which he hadn't realized until now. Pete was clear now, everything is clear now also what he thought is true. They had sex last night. Then all the memory from last night start coming back Vegas handcuff him toward the head bed, Vegas lips kiss him, Vegas hand touch his body and caress it everywhere, and lastly Vegas cock inside him.

" God help me! I'm dead how can I face him now?" Pete says in a frustrated tone now that he remembers what happened. 

He gets out of the bathroom, dresses up in loose clothes, grabs his phone from the nightstand, and dials Porsche number. Porsche was his friend, apparently, his childhood best friend they were more like brothers since they share everything. Besides his, grandma Porsche is like his family.

Porsche on the other hand love Pete like his own younger brother. He always protects and cares for Pete.

After a few minute Porsche pick up, he never ignore Pete's phone call only if he is busy at least he still text Pete to tell him.

" Hello Pete" Porsche

" Porsche what should I do?" Pete, his voice is depress

" Something happens? Did someone hurt you? Tell me I will beat them up for you" Porsche the brother protection mode on.

" Come on drop that attitude. How can u beat someone just like that" Pete

" I'm going to teach them a lesson. Now tell me what happen, every detail, don't miss out" Porsche his voice turned serious.

" I-I sleep with someone last night. I was drunk" Pete said a bit embarrassed and scare at the same time.

" And who is that someone? Where are you now?" Porsche ask

" V-vegas" Pete answers his voice stammer.

" Who the hell is that again?" Porsche shout still feeling he had heard Pete wrong.

"It's Vegas and I slept with him last night. I just had sex with him last night I was drunk" Pete sound scare his heart pounding hard. 

" What happen after I left the club?" Porsche asks soundly worried " Don't tell me he caught u lying? Didn't he say he will be back next week?" 

" I don't know that's what he told me but last night when I'm back..." Pete

To be continued...

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