Tick-Tock Padfoot

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Hermione had taken to closing the drapes around her bed shut with magic, silencing them and setting up wards all around her bed before going to sleep. She wondered if this is Moody-level paranoia, but after some of the things she found recently it did seem warranted to her.

That came as a blessing as Dobby apparatted directly on her startling her into getting her wand out and a stunner ready to go. Seeing that it was Dobby, she lowered her wand and said, "Do not do this again Dobby. I might curse before seeing it is you next time".

"Dobby is sorry Miss Hermy. Dobby will punish himself for this, but Dobby thought you have to see this now", he said handing Hermione a vial of green murky liquid.

"Dobby, you will not punish yourself, ever" said Hermione glaring at Dobby. She did not drop her gaze untill Dobby nodded. "Now tell me what is so important and what is in this vial?"

"Dobby was watching Master Harry's dogfather. He was asleep most of the day, suddenly he woke up started screaming abuses at the fat loud Mrs. Wheezey and Snape. He tried breaking the door, when he couldn't he sat down on the bed and started crying", he said. "Dobby couldn't understand anything except Master Harry's name", he finished apologetically.

"Nonsense Dobby, you have done great. What happened after that?"

"The door burst open and someone stunned Master Harry's dogfather. Mrs. Wheezey then brought this liquid and pour in mouth. Dobby took a small sample using elven magic and came here "

Hermione was stunned with all the revelations. Sirius is being held prisoner. Sirius still wants to help Harry. Mrs. Weasley is one of his jailers. They are using potion to subdue Sirius, which she had a sample of thanks to Dobby. The potion has to be re-administered to continue control.

"Excellent work Dobby, can you get me a parchment, quill and ink?", she asked. She got what she needed the next second after a snap from Dobby. "I'm writing a letter explaining what happened and what has to be done. Take the letter and sample to Remus. Once you give it to Remus, go back to Sirius. Watch over him to find out when they are giving him the potion again".

Dobby nodded, took the letter & vial and disappeared without sound. Deciding she would not be able to sleep after this, she decided to meditate. Trying to empty her mind, she entered her mind library. The outer section had trivial information about her known to all. This formed a very small area which acted like a landing area. She did not bother to put security measures here, though she had future plans for them. The next section was accessed through a small door which was password protected. 'I would hate to be the one who tries to brute force through any of the doors', she thought. She uttered the password 'crawley' and entered the section that contained her childhood memories and early schooling.

She gave the password 'first generation magical' and entered the next section which was a huge lobby with doors all around it. Stepping through any door would bring the person back to the lobby unless one knows what is needed and asks for it. Asking for specific room brings a trap door with a friendly cereberus on top of it. Attempting to slip past this door had a nasty surprise on top of the deadly fangs and claws of the cereberus. She imagined all the rooms being in a pocket dimension and calling them forth at her command. Inside each room was a library with each memory as a book and each category in it's own shelf.

'I need the Harry room today', she thought and called it forth summoning the trapdoor and Fluffy. She gave it the password 'Green-eyed seeker'. Fluffy looked at her, gave a wink and disappeared. She stepped into the room which contained all her memories which concerned Harry. This room had the most detailed memories and the one that gave her jitters and peace at the same time. It is here that she has taken to meditating on finding her core and to say that she was making rapid progress would be an understatement.

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