Potters' Will

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With Dobby on-board, Hermione started making her plans. 'Learning Occlumancy has to take precedence', she decided, since she couldn't afford the greasy git messing with her mind and finding what she is up to. She was confident that Dumbledore would get his dirty work done through his pet-spy and won't involve himself directly. Using the Occlumency books that Dobby got for her from the Hogwarts' library, she started teaching herself to close her mind to external attacks. Also equally important were information on Azkaban and Dementors. Every time she thought about Dementors, she shuddered thinking of the times she had come in contact with the foul creatures and then knowing what Harry hears when he gets near them, she couldn't hold off the tears any longer, no matter how many times she cried.

Then she had the appointment with Griphook in Gringotts on Saturday, and she had to go to the headquarters, wherever that is located on Sunday. On top of it, she had to stay there for the rest of the summer, without being given any say on the matter. 'Harry isn't the only one held prisoner I suppose', she thought. She considered answering in negative and would have done that if not for the fact that the only magical adult she felt she could trust would be there.

On Saturday morning, Hermione was a nervous wreck, what with all the business with Harry's will, access to Potter Vault and all. Now that she thought about it, why did the goblins contact her as soon as Harry was sentenced to Prison? She knew Sirius made Harry his heir, but Gringotts didn't contact Harry. Or did they actually contact, and this is what is mentioned as vaults in the letter? There was also the possibility that any communication might have been stopped before it reached Harry. After all, the headmaster had prevented her and Ron from writing Harry since end of the school year. Amid all these thoughts, she didn't pay any attention to her surroundings until her dad parked the car in front of the book shop next to the pub 'The Leaky Cauldron'.

"Mom, do you want to go somewhere else while I go to the bank and come back? Maybe we can have lunch together after that", said Hermione. Looking at her critically, "Is there some problem honey?", asked Emma.

"No mom", said Hermione too soon. When Emma raised an eyebrow and continued looking at her, she relented and explained, "You as non-magical basically won't be respected and if some of the blood-purity spewing idiot comes across us, the situation can only get worse".

"Dear, we have been before in there and except that blonde ponce back in your second year, no one has bothered us. Why should this time be any different? Is this because of that Voldemort person you mentioned about?", asked Dan Granger.

Hermione looked at her dad for a few seconds wondering how a person without magic is able to say the name without any fear while the entire British Magical World shudders even from hearing that cursed name. "In part, yes dad. I was after-all a friend of Boy-Who-Lived, now that he isn't around, I'm just another muggleborn. I don't want you to be hurt", she said. Seeing her dad's eyes widen, she realized what she said and hastened to add, "I mean emotionally dad. Some comments may head towards me or either of you. And it is not like any of us can defend ourselves. I can't magic outside school after-all".

Taking her daughter in a loving embrace Emma said, "Don't worry about us Hermione. We are your parents. It's parents' job to worry about their kid's welfare, not the other way around. We'll spend some time in the bookshop and go around. We'll meet here back in a couple of hours. Will that be enough?".

Hermione nodded and turned to enter the pub. Pausing for a bit she called over her shoulder, "It will be if I don't lose track of time in the bookstore", and ran in. Once in the alley, she decided to get the Gringotts out of her way before spending time in Flourish and Blotts to research all the books she'll need. At the foot of the wizarding bank, she stopped and looked up. It looked the same as last year when she had accompanied her dad when he had taken her there to change some muggle money to galleons. Pushing her old memories to the back, she entered the bank and approached a teller who was free and asked for Griphook.

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