Master, Mission and Request

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"I had hoped this would be your last question, but can't say I'm surprised. The reason I know all these is because I'm a Death Eater", said Daphne lifting the left sleeve up exposing the dark mark.

Instinct made Hermione train her wand at the other girl, a stunner at the tip of her tongue. Daphne did not show any sign of fear being unarmed and held at wand point. With a calm expression she lifted her empty hands up and said, "Thanks for not cursing me as soon as you saw that damned tattoo. A tattoo; that is all it is to me. Please lower you wand before you curse me because of your nerves".

Hermione decided that the girl had so many chance to harm her if she had wanted. For all the helpful information she had given and for all the questions she is about to answer she deserved a chance to explain decided Hermione. With a slight nod of her head she indicated Daphne to continue turning the wand to point away from her, but not lowering it fully.

"I'm going to take my wand, but not to harm you. Don't freak out please", Daphne pleaded and took out her wand. It was at this moment Hermione noticed how the Ice Princess facade had crumbled and what she saw before her was a little girl who was frightened; of what she is yet to find. Daphne raised the wand up and squared her shoulders. "I swear on my magic and life that all that I have said so far are true to the best of my knowledge and that I do not wish harm to Hermione Granger. So mote it be". A blue flash showed that the oath had taken effect. The fact that Daphne hasn't dropped dead assuaged Hermione's fear for now. She lowered her wand completely and started playing the conversation in her head. She couldn't decide which one to start with and at the end decided to start at the newest one and work her way back. "What did you mean when you said the Dark Mark is just a tattoo?", she asked finally.

"That's simple. Intent is the most important when anything to do with magic is concerned. I was forced into taking the mark. Lucius literally forced me by holding my family at wand point. I do not consider the Dark Lord as my master. Since I did not take the mark willingly it doesn't have the same effect as the others. For example, he cannot find me where I'm using the mark as a link. He can summon me using the mark, but it doesn't hurt me like it does others when they do not obey the summons. So, it is just a tattoo; an ugly tattoo, but still a tattoo. As I said intent is very very important. I can right now obliviate you and not run afoul of my oath if I really believe it is in your best interest. Not that I'm going to, but I could do it".

Hermione was gobsmacked at this new information. Filing the intent part for later analysis, she nodded that the answer made sense. Hermione then asked "Why did Voldemort want you? Or did Lucius forced you without orders from Voldemort? And more importantly, why are you calling him Dark Lord?"

"It doesn't matter that I took the mark against my wish, I had to be in his presence for a part of the summer. I had to call him Dark Lord or Master lest pay for the mistake by taking a few Crucios. I'm not going to subjugate myself to call him Master, so Dark Lord, or My Lord when addressing him directly, it is. I just got into the practise. It also helps me in my House among the Death Eater Juniors. As far as why, Dark Lord had an important mission inside Hogwarts for one of his follower's child. Lucius, as cunning as he ever was, somehow convinced it would benefit the Dark Lord by recruiting me to do this job. He must have quite the silver tongue to have tried that and still be alive", said Daphne.

"Daphne, he doesn't force or make you do anything you wouldn't normally do, does he?", Hermione asked timidly after hearing the word Master thrown in.

Daphne started laughing so much that she was at the peril of falling down and hurting herself. "Of course, he makes every one of his death eaters do something that they would rather not, and that is saying something when considering the blood thirsty followers he has. But I understand what you are trying to ask without asking. No, he doesn't force any sexual favours out of any of his followers. I heard he had a thing for Bellatrix, but not sure if that is true. As for me, I was only made to dole out a few crucios. Since he is in the shadows, it was on his own followers to punish their mistake. So I'm not very much worried", she said.

After that a heavy silence fell over the room. Hermione did not know whether she had to console the other girl or to continue with her questions. After a few minutes, Daphne cleared her throat and said, "It is getting late. I know you have a lot of questions. What do you say we meet again tomorrow morning, straight after breakfast?" Hermione nodded that she was okay with it. "However, there are a couple of things you need to know now. The mission I'm given is to kill Albus Dumbledore or die trying".

The way she said this flatly without any emotion surprised even herself. It was now Hermione's turn to take the other girl in a hug. Daphne could smell the vanilla scent of Hermione's hair. The hug somehow felt like a protective dome. She felt safe inside and didn't want to let go of it, but she had to. There was one more thing to say, or rather ask. Extricating herself from the soothing hug, "The other thing I mentioned is a favour. Is it possible for you to take me with you when you get out of the continent? If I stay, I will die for sure. And even more certain is the death of my family to punish me. I can make it seem that Dumbledore has found what I'm and has captured me if you agree to take me with you. I will understand if you don't want to though", Daphne finished and the tears that were threatening to fall, finally broke free and she started crying openly.

Taking the younger girl in a tight hug, Hermione tried to console her. Without thinking, she promised to help her. "Daphne, I will do anything I can to help protect you and your family. You are not alone". The two girls sat in silence for some time before Daphne calmed down finally. After casting a charm to dry her tears, remove the stain and apply the light makeup she always wore,  Daphne got up. She brought the privacy wards down and the Ice Princess made an appearance again. "Thanks for helping me with the Runes Lesson Granger", she said out loud.

Confused by the turn of events she looked at the door where she could see the silhouette of a person who was making a hasty retreat. Understanding what was happening, she nodded at Daphne, but did not say anything. 

Hermione made her way back to the Gryffindor tower in a state of heightened confusion. She had barely known the girl, yet in the last few hours Daphne had bared her soul and shared her darkest secret out. Because of the oath she gave, Hermione knew that everything Daphne said had to be true. The oath was a simple one without room for any loopholes.

She thought about what the girl must have been through to think of leaving the continent, leaving her family, with a set of near strangers. "That too a couple of muggles", she said to herself. 'She wants to save herself and her family as well, nothing wrong about it', thought Hermione. She thought about Dumbledore being target and wondered whether she should warn him, but decided against it since it will put Daphne in danger.

'There's no danger to Dumbledore, especially from a fifth year student', she thought. Even if she knew his life was indeed in danger, she was not sure that she would have warned him. The great headmaster lost all esteem in her eyes over the last two months. 'I will meet her tomorrow and find more about what happened over the summer', she thought as she entered the Gryffindor common room.

"Where the bloody hell were you?", shouted a voice aimed at her. Closing her eyes, she took deep breaths to calm herself before turning to see Ron approaching her abandoning the chess match he was playing with Neville. "I have been searching you for over an hour", he continued.

"Where I was doesn't concern you", she replied. Seeing the red descend on his face she ploughed on, "What did you want me for? We do not have any homework yet for me to look yours over", making quotation marks in air while saying look over.

"I'm trying to sharpen my mind by playing Chess. Beating Neville is very easy and doesn't pose even a bit of challenge to me. You couldn't be any worse than Neville, so come and play me", Ron replied.

Hermione was taken aback by the gall of this boy. He straight up demands that she come and play him while insinuating that she'll not be better than him. 'Let me teach this jerk a lesson', she thought cracking her knuckles. "Normal Chess rules, except the pieces are barbarians right?", she asked with a predatory smile on her face. She never told anybody that she was a national junior level Chess player. "Ronald Weasley is not going to know what hit him", she muttered to Neville and took the seat, where she went on to beat him four times until it was time to go meet Dumbledore. 'This should keep him off the chess for sometime at least', she thought as the three made their way out through the portrait.

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