Operation Mutt Rescue Pt. 1

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Remus' legs were numb from sitting in a nook behind a barrel under disillusionment charm for almost the entire day. Because of that he couldn't immediately act when he saw his quarry at the mouth of the alley. He stood up holding the barrel to let the blood flow into his legs properly. By the time he could stand unsupported, his prey had already crossed his hiding place. Renewing the silencing charm on his shoes, he followed the tiny man deep into the alley.

Mid way through the alley, Remus saw his target talking to a tall blonde woman. After exchanging a packet for a sack of coins, the man turned tail and started walking fast towards diagon alley. Quick as a snake, Remus' hand struck and pulled him into a dark alley that was quickly layered with Notice-me-not charms while the man was talking to the blondie.

Hitting the man with a silencing charm and a body bind, Remus removed the disillusionment charm. Seeing Remus, the man's eyes widened in shock. "Fancy meeting here Mundungus", he said. "I'm going to remove the silencing charm. Make a noise and it will be the last you ever make. Nod once if you understand". Mundungus Fletcher nodded his head so fast that he would have given Dobby a tough run for his money. Remus removed the charm and immediately had to screw his wand into Dung's neck as he started speaking.

"I'll do the talking, you'll open your mouth only to respond to me", Remus said pushing the wand with more force and making the tip slightly warm. Thinking he was about to be cursed, Dung started nodding frantically again and kept his mouth shut even after the wand was lifted.

"I know you offer all shady services for anybody giving you enough coins. Do what I say and you'll be handsomely rewarded. Put a toe out of line, and that toe will be the only part of your body left, am I clear?", Remus hissed in a threatening manner.

"Yes, crystal. Whatever you want Remus", Dung agreed immediately. Remus nodded giving him a feral smile.

"You see, I don't have anyone left in the wizarding world now that Sirius is dead and Harry is as good as dead. I want an option to disappear to, should Voldemort take control of the ministry and make the life of werewolves not obeying his command difficult. To that end, I want you to get me a warded and unplottable house. Rest is your usual such as no one is to know of this transaction, this should not be registered under my name anywhere in this whole wide world and that includes false paper trial via muggle departments and especially no word to order or Dumbledore ", said Remus.

"I can do that, sure", Dung responded. Then after some thought he added, "But if I may, you can stay in the headquarters right? Dumbledore will protect you".

Remus thought for a second and wondered how much seed of chaos did he wish to sow. 'In for a knut, in for a galleon', decided Remus and said slowly, "I do not trust Albus to protect anyone other than Severus. I recently found for a fact that Dumbledore sacrificed both the Prewett brothers and Edgar Bones to save his pet spy's cover".

Remus could see the result of this information in Dung's eyes. Now he would want to save his own skin more than anything else. "I'll sweeten the pot for you. You are a common thief and you will not even rate a thought if you are in danger. Rather you'll be the first in thought if there is one to be sacrificed. I have a budget of twenty five thousand galleons. How much ever remains after the conclusion of deed transfer is yours. Finish the deal at the right price and you get a huge commission, something that will help you disappear if need be", Remus added.

He could see the numbers being churned in Dung's brain. He himself knew that a fair price for the house in his mind would be twenty thousand galleons. And the required greasing of hands and fake paper trial will cost some on top. With the right motivation, he knew Dung will pick the absolutely right property and finish the deal in a day or two. 'Now to deliver the ultimatum', thought Remus and said, "You have till Saturday morning to complete the paper trial and deed transfer. By that day's evening, the place must be ready should I decide to move in. Else I'll kill you by Saturday night and find myself another crook to complete the transaction" with a perfectly straight face looking into the tiny timid man's eyes. You can't be a marauder and not know how to put the dear of death and God in one. Leaving the shaken man, Remus apparated back to the Granger residence.

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