The Heir

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A/N: I was planning on this to be a small story with 3-4 chapters. Now considering on expanding the idea with a few details. Please do let me know if it turns dragging at any point.

'Why is the fate so cruel to me?', thought Hermione running out of the holding cell. She couldn't bring herself to be in his presence anymore lest she does something irrecoverably damaging.

Entering the atrium, she proceeded to the visitor's exit and took the Knight Bus home. 'Now is not the time to cry Hermione', she said to herself. On reaching home, she ran to her room quickly making sure that her parents haven't come home yet.

She made a note on her short term and long term goals and set to work, but was immediately disturbed in the form of her red haired friend.

"Hermione, are you there upstairs?", called out Ron.

"Yes Ron, just a second", called back Hermione. Hastily wiping her eyes and putting all her materials and especially the goals she had written down away safely, she went down to the living room to find Dumbledore and Ron waiting for her.

"Ah. Ms. Granger. We were worried when you were not there at the atrium. I guess it has been a disturbing day so far, especially to you and Mr. Weasley", said the headmaster.

Hermione looked back at the headmaster without any expression on her face, but put it down before he could meet her eyes. "What happened once I left?", croaked Hermione.

"The murderer is sentenced to life in the Azkaban prison as an high security prisoner", said Ron with a triumphant look on his face. "I signed as the witness myself".

With a dumbstruck look, she looked from Ron to Dumbledore as though looking for confirmation. When he gave a quick nod, a small sob escaped her. Ron walked over to her and took her in a hug patting her back. "I advocated for a 3 year term citing he is a minor, but I was out-voted and for what is worth, you being there wouldn't have tipped the balance of his punishment. I'm sorry for what happened to your friend.", said Dumbledore.

Hermione just looked at Dumbledore, cautiously​ avoiding his eyes. Why does it still surprise her, when she had already accepted this was going to happen? Ron continued, "That murderer deserverd what he got. He went into the dark side and who knows how many other people he has killed. Personally I'm starting to think that he was the one who killed Cedric and it is all the more possible that he helped in You-Know-Who's revival".

Hermione looked at him as though he has grown a second head. "Ron, you don't mean the last thing you said, do you?", she asked. Ron shrugged in a non committing fashion. Hermione continued, "You-Know-Who killed his parents. Harry won't join hands with him. That's just plain ridiculous". She looked at Dumbledore expecting him to say something, but he didn't.

"The Dark Lords don't care about friends or family Mione, like you or I do. For them power is the only goal", said Ron.

Gritting her teeth, "Don't call me Mione Ronald", she said. Looking at her face, Ron decided not to push her too much and just nodded. Dumbledore cleared his throat and spoke, "Ms. Granger, I wish you to spend the reminder of your holidays at the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix".

"But professor, my parents aren't home and we have some plans for the holidays. I can't just come there".

"But Mio...", Ron trailed under the glare she gave him. "But Hermione, they are muggles. Why do you care about what they think and the plans they have made, when you can be with our kind?"

If Ron thought he was being considerate, he was far from that. In fact, he was a step away from finding first hand how Malfoy felt after she punched him. Taking deep breath she said, "Ronald, they are my PARENTS. How difficult is it for you to respect them as human beings, even though your Dad works in the Muggle Relations? You show them the same consideration as that of an House Elf. It is wizards like you who's the reason the wizarding world is a century back. You have no rights defending me when I'm being called a mudblood when you yourself are a big bigot. Your attitude just disgusts me". When she finished, she was shouting.

"Ms. Granger, I suggest you take your time and talk things through your parents. But I still think it will be for the greater good if you can come to the Order of Phoenix headquarters for the reminder of your summer. Mr. Weasley is just as disturbed as you by the events of morning, don't hold a grudge against him". Hermione looked at the headmaster wondering why he is excusing such a bigoted behavior. But it should be no wonder, here was a man who let students like Malfoy get away with worse bigoted behavior and outright death threats. "Call for Fawkes once you have straightened things with your parents and he'll come to take you there. The Headquarters is under Fidelius charm and I'm the secret keeper. You need to read the note Fawkes will carry before you can enter the headquarters itself".

Hermione nodded and after an awkward farewell, Dumbledore took Ron by arm and side along apparated him away. Sighing she went back up to her room, thinking how these new developments are going to impact her plans.

When she entered her room, she found two owls by the window. The first was a brown owl carrying an official looking envelope and the second one was the snowy white owl that used to belong to her best friend. Now she cannot follow him to where he's taken.

As soon as she saw Hermione, Hedwig flew up to her shoulder and gave a very sad hoot missing her owner. Hermione stroked her feathers giving her a couple of owl treats. Then she turned her attention to the other owl. Moving forward, she untied the envelope and before she could reach for the owl treat, it flew away.

Now that the owl has left the sight, she turned back to the envelope in hand. It was indeed an official letter from Gringotts, addressed to her. 'Why will I get letter from Gringotts, I don't even own a vault', she thought. Putting a stop to the thought train she opened the letter and had to read it three times to make sure that she understood it properly.

Dear Ms. Hermione Granger,

Mr. Harry Potter has named you as his sole beneficiary should anything happen to him. Since you are not of age, you are hereby granted access with a few restrictions and when you become an adult, you'll have unrestricted access to the Potter vaults.

Please visit Gringotts at the earliest possible to discuss regarding the above.

May your gold flow endlessly

Potter Account Manager.

'What were you playing at Harry', thought Hermione.

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