Magica Familia

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The next morning Hermione came down from her dorm into an heated argument in the common room.

"If you think Potter is such a saint, keep that to yourself", she heard somebody shouting.

Hearing Harry's name, she sped up to enter the common room to witness Neville Longbottom whipping out his wand and pointing it between the eyes of a sixth year. "Try me", he said in a low icy voice that gave her chills down her spine. 'When did Neville transform like this', she wondered.

"What are you going to do you pathetic squib", sneered the boy.

"Neville, he is not worth getting detention, lower your wand", said Hermione.

"But Hermione, he is saying that Harry is a dark wizard and he killed Cedric using dark magic to win the tournament".

"Looks like she jumped ship knowing Potter is sinking. Granger, if you are looking for a ship to ride, I have one for you", said Mclaggen leering at her.

She stepped close to him and said, "I would very much like to deck you across the jaw, but I would be a hypocrite after my advice to Neville. So consider this my last warning. I have mean right hook, Malfoy can attest for that".

Mclaggen swallowed visibly and chose to remain silent. Hermione dragged Neville out of the common room and towards the library. "Neville, I appreciate you standing up for Harry. Infact, I like this new confident Neville. But you need to stop sticking up for Harry", she said without slowing down. When he was about to retort she continued, "Harry is not going to thank you for painting a target at the back of your head. And that is exactly what you'll be doing by sticking up for Harry".

Neville stayed silent for the reminder of the journey. What do you say when Hermione Granger argues with logic?

"Do I think Harry murdered his relatives? No. Did I act as though I believed it when it came out? Yes. Do I want Harry out of Azkaban? Hell yeah. Am I going to stick for Harry whenever someone drags his name through mud, definitely no. Even when Harry was here at Hogwarts, more than a few people besmirched Harry's name constantly. It would be better to put our effort to get Harry out of there", she said taking her usual seat at the library.

Neville digested whatever she said as she looked into a book for magically concealing information. "So, you are planning to get him a fair trial", he guessed. Then looking at the book in her hand, "And you need to keep the information you collect for it secret from prying eyes. That's what you are researching", he continued.

It was not a question, just a statement from his deduction. Hermione had to agree that it was a pretty logical conclusion and something that was aligned with her character. Unfortunately for others, her character traits seemed to have gone for a toss. She is trying to break Harry out, and did not even give a single thought about getting him a fair trial. She knew it was impossible and waste of time, time that they had in limited quantity. Finally she nodded and said, "Yeah, something like that".

Neville sat in deep thought for a minute and then shook is head. "I can think of only one way to do this with highest possible security, but unfortunately I cannot help in that regard". She was curious now and asked him what it was. "Family magic of course. Ancient families had enough family magic to do these. The problem is even though House Longbottom is most ancient, I cannot do this. Only head of the house and regent can do this concealing thing", he finished.

He stood up and said, "I promised Prof. Sprout that I would help her in greenhouse this morning, so see you around. I would very much like to catch-up with you regarding our discussion with headmaster" and left her alone in the library.

'Maybe the Potter family magic is the answer here', she thought. She quickly wrote a small message explaining what she wanted and called Dobby. She sent him off with the note and waited. Dobby returned after ten minutes with a small handbook and a note. After making sure no one is around her using the marauder's map, she thanked and sent him off. She took note first hoping for an explanation and wasn't disappointed.

The Next Dark Lordजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें