Operation Mutt Rescue - The Finale

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Ever since he met the wolfman and got the secret, Dobby had been in a happy and excited mood. He is going to be able to meet his Master Harry very soon. Even though he knew, through his bond, that Master Harry was alright, it wasn't the same as seeing him and talking to him every day. It broke his heart that the Great Harry Potter was stuck in a place that is beyond Dobby's ability to rescue him from.

Dobby knew it wasn't his fault and Master Harry's Miss Granger said the same multiple times, but it did nothing to ease his conscience that he let his master down. Being able to see him daily and knowing that he is healthy was what took Dobby through the day. And because of his current guard duty, he hadn't been able to go anywhere. Not that Dobby was complaining.

He knew how much the dogfather meant to Master Harry and it meant that he would do anything to keep the man safe. But the fact remained that he would be glad to be able to see Master Harry again.

Unable to see his Master was in fact only half the reason. He had another far more pressing reason to be as far away from this house as he can. It was not the mad house elf either. 'Seriously, what kind of house elf would support drugging his own master', Dobby mused, not for the first time. He would have made more effort if the Malfoys had been harmed this way while he was their servant, and he had no love for them.

The second reason for his want to go away from this house was a sinister presence that he could feel. Not strong enough for any wizard to feel it, but it was there all the same. The presence reminded of something he had felt while with the Malfoys; anything that he could have felt while serving Malfoys definitely was not a good thing to be around. 'I will have to tell about it to wolfman and Master Harry's Miss Granger', he decided.

He had erected a one way silencing ward around him after his excited squeals made the dogfather look in his direction a couple of times. 'Third time's the charm', he had heard Master Harry's Miss Granger saying. He didn't want to find that. It could put some damper to an otherwise easy plan.

Actually, thinking about it, he didn't understand why he had to wait till the night to enact it. 'Now that I know the secret, I can take him immediately. No one other than the crazed elf can reach me. And I can handle him well enough. But who am I to question the plans of Master Harry's Miss Granger', he thought.

He heard someone coming up the steps before the door opened. In came the fat Weasley woman holding a glass in her hand. "I know there is still one more day to give your potion Sirius, but I cannot afford another mishap. In another week, Snape will take care of you once and for all, then I can be free of the guarding duty. But until then I have to keep you from making another escape attempt. Risk of overdosing doesn't apply to someone who's going to live just a week, does it Sirius?", she finished rhetorically.

Sirius raised his hand to grab the goblet and Dobby started panicking over what to do. Hearing the words overdose, he made his decision. Causing a diversion by making a book fall down, he made the woman turn around. Using the split second he vanished the contents of the glass and filled it with water instead just as Sirius downed the entire contents down his throat like a obedient child.

Molly turned around to see Sirius lower the glass after emptying it fully. She took the glass and left the room leaving the book on the floor untouched. Sirius walked to it, bent down and picked it up. Flipping through it, he saw that it was the book he made with muggle magazine cuts full of bikini clad women. He smiled as something resembling nostalgia hit his brain despite his potioned state. He replaced the book and went back to the bed to resume his day of sitting and doing nothing.

Dobby let out the breath that he didn't realise he was holding. 'That was close', he thought. Just then he felt the wolfman call him again. Given that the awful woman had just been here, he knew Master Harry's dogfather was safe for the moment. However, he cast wards that will notify him if someone so much as came to the top floor and disappeared.

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