Searching Black

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A/N: I have delayed posting this chapter by almost a week just because of the title. This is the best either myself or my sister could come up with. Anything else you guys think will be better is welcome.

Finally, the noise stopped, and they could hear the yelling of a woman. After a minute they could hear Moody's wooden leg on the steps.

"What the hell was it? Has it happened before?", Remus asked no one in specific.

Still looking ashen faced, Molly replied, "Sirius has escaped and it's not my fault this time", just as the yelling stopped and the Moody entered the kitchen.

"What the hell do you mean Sirius escaped?", Remus and Tonks yelled together pointing their wand at the other occupants.

"Put your wands away before you poke someone's eyes out", Moody said. He tried to appear calm and composed, but the frantic whizzing of his magical eye betrayed him.

"I will ask only one more time before I escalate the matters Alastor. Sirius is almost like a brother to me, and I'll be damned if I keep quiet while he suffers again", Remus growled. Even though he knew his friend was safe, it was pretty easy to appear pissed off just by seeing Molly's face.

No one moved for a few seconds. Finally, Molly realized what was it that she blurted out and panicked. "Oh Merlin, what have I done", she shouted. "Dumbledore trusted me and I lost him". She turned around to face Moody, "I swear I didn't forget the potion this time. I even potioned him a day early. I saw him drink it fully. You have to believe me", she said before Moody could shut her up.

"Dumbledore? Potions?", Remus shouted matching Molly's screams in volume. "You better start answering soon before I curse the pair of you and get answers from Albus by dangling him from the astronomy tower using his beard".

Molly whirled around her panic forgotten. "Don't you dare talk about Dumbledore in that tone. If he does something it is for a reason. Albus kept Sirius under sedation to stop him from running to the ministry", she shouted spittle flying.

"Oh, Dumbledore did it to save Sirius, is it? Why didn't you say so in the first?", Remus asked with a forced calm that fooled no one except Molly.

"See, I knew you will come to sense. Afterall you still owe Dumbledore for letting you into Hogwarts" Molly said. "Now help us take care of Tonks and we can search for Sirius".

Tonks started at the sudden turn of events to see Lupin moving his wand away from Moody and feared what will happen to her. She knew that she couldn't fight Moody and him at the same time.

"The hell I will", Remus shouted and snapped his wand at Molly, and she fell down unconscious. Before Moody could fully retrieve his wand, Remus moved to keep his wand tip at the retired auror's throat. "I only stunned her. But the warning shot is over. If you don't start talking, I mean properly start talking and giving out the answers we need, I'm going to switch to something a bit stronger, say a cutting curse to give you a matching pair of artificial legs", he whispered, which in the silent room travelled to all the occupants.

Tonks breathed a sigh of relief and turned towards Moody and asked, "What will it be Mad-Eye? Will you talk or should I get Madam Bones?".

Realizing that he had no other option, Moody pushed his partially drawn wand back inside his robe. Pushing Remus's wand away from his throat he walked to the kitchen table and sat down. "You might as well sit" he grunted.

Remus moved to sit opposite the man, while Tonks remained standing where she was. "Start from the beginning. What's up with the news that Sirius was killed in an auror fight?", Remus asked.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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