A New Subject

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The duel tournament kept Hermione from worrying too much about the meeting that night. She spent the time during lunch building up various scenarios with which the headmaster might come at them.

Something happened at the end of lunch that brought her out of her musings. "Who is that pink toad sitting at the staff table I wonder", Hermione heard Dean commenting to Seamus. Biting down the urge to tell him off for comparing a person with a toad, she looked up at the head table and was glad that she fought her urge. Sitting there was indeed the pink toad she had seen with the minister when Harry was arrested. She was in deep discussion with Dumbledore and if his face was any indication, he wasn't liking it one bit. 'Suck it up old man', she thought vindictively.

She was interrupted in her thoughts when Dumbledore stood up and said, "If I could have your attention for a minute". Once the hall quietened and everybody looked at him. He continued, "We have here with us Madam Delores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary of the minister. She has some news to share with us and I would like every one of you to stay back after your lunch".

A lot of people groaned which hid Hermione's groan, but Hermione caught Umbridge glaring at her before she turned away to look elsewhere. 'What the hell have I done now?', she wondered.

Having been thwarted at her plan to spend time usefully, she resigned herself to eat her lunch slowly as the students fell back into conversations they had paused. None thought much about a ministry employee in the school, not for long at least. But she knew this couldn't be an idle visit. "Hem Hem".

Once everyone had finished eating and the plates were cleared Umbridge stood up. Since standing up did not significantly change her height many students did not realise it was her.

"Hem Hem", she repeated and this time most of the students noticed her. She waited for another moment to make sure she had everybody's attention. "Good Afternoon all", she said in a fake cheery girly voice that grated on Hermione's nerves. "I'm Delores Umbridge or Madam Umbridge. I'm here on behalf of the Ministry of Magic". She scanned the crowd looking at each table before continuing, "We at the ministry think education of the youth to be of paramount importance. With that in mind, we were deeply disappointed that Hogwarts, one of the finest magical school in all Europe, does not impart in its students the wizarding culture and values".

She gave another longer pause, this time looking at each table longer. "To remedy that, the minister has personally ordered that each year will have an hour class on Wizarding Etiquette, Values and Culture once a week. I will be taking this class, at least for this year", she said. "And this class is mandatory", she continued hearing the groan from the student populace. "The higher years will have more to cover as those in lower years have few more years to bridge the gap. The schedules will be posted in your common room and the first class will begin on Monday", she said and sat down pulling Dumbledore into a furious discussion.

The students dispersed out in twos and threes discussing what they heard. "This could be good", Hermione heard someone say beside her and was shocked to see it was Neville. "What are you talking about? I didn't expect you to say this" Hermione started.

Neville held his hand up to interrupt her saying, "There is more to Wizarding world than blood purity Hermione. You are blinded by your hatred for ponce like Malfoy". When Hermione did not look like she was convinced he tried a different tact. "Imagine refugees and immigrants coming into the muggle Britain from countries like China, India or Japan each of which have different cultures and values. If they then try to force those culture and values onto the Britain society, what will happen?"

This made Hermione think, but just a second, before replying. "There will be protests and these instigators could be deported back".

"Exactly, now what do you think will happen in magical Britain if first generation magicals like you come in and try to make radical changes in the society?"

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