The Boy-Who-Killed

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Harry was lying down on the stone cot looking at the ceiling. Whatever happened over the last few hours seemed like a movie, unreal and he felt as though he was a spectator watching someone else's life.

He was brought out of the trance by the loud noise of people approaching his cell. The Minister of Magic entered followed by a toad like woman he hasn't seen before and Percy Weasley. Albus Dumbledore entered next and Harry felt a hope flare in his heart. But looking at the twinkle-less eyes somewhat dulled it. Behind Dumbledore, were the two faces he wanted to see the most. One was his red headed friend Ron Weasley and the other was his bushy haired friend Hermione Granger.

Harry took a step towards his friends only to find 4 wands pointing at his face. What shook him was that the first one to reach there was his headmaster's. Any little hope he had went out like a match in front of a tornado.

He simply looked at his friend's face afraid what he'll see there. Ron's face clearly had a lot of emotions but chief amongst them was hatred. Hermione on the other hand had been crying a lot, her face was puffy and eyes were red.

"Well well. What do we have here?", the minister was ecstatic. "Spewing stories about return of dead people was not enough for you, was it boy?"

Before Fudge continue, Dumbledore cut in asking Harry, "Tell us what happened Harry". Harry was happy to be given a chance to explain himself but knew his story is going to fall on deaf ears.

Taking a deep breath he started his story, "After getting down from the Hogwarts Express, my uncle picked me up from King's Cross. Like last summer, the Dursleys left me to myself because I mentioned that a mass murderer is my God Father, though I left the part where he is innocent". He could see Fudge was about to oppose him, so he plowed​ on. "I was left to picking papers from waste bins and catching late night news hiding somewhere outside the house. I was lying outside the living room window when i heard the sound of someone apparating and panic set in".

"My uncle was beyond angry and trashed me with his belt. I passed out in sometime. When I woke up, I found my uncle's family dead".

The room was silent and everyone started talking at the same time; everyone except Hermione. Harry tried to tune out everyone else and catch her eyes, but she wouldn't look at him.

Finally Dumbledore made himself heard. "Cornelius, please have Mr. Potter's wand fetched".

"I already have it here headmaster", said Percy extending Harry's wand.

Dumbledore took it and pointed his own wand at it. "Priori Incantatem".

A series of unforgivables were proven to be cast using the wand. Fudge looked as if Christmas has come early this year. Dumbledore was just sad. Ron was beyond rage and was readying himself to do something drastic. But Hermione beat him to it. She slapped Harry across his face and ran out the room sobbing.

To say that he was stunned was an understatement. His Hermione didn't believe him, nothing else is important anymore. Whatever was being spoken around him was not worth hearing anymore.

Though Ron, Percy and Fudge cried for death penalty, Dumbledore advocated for sentence of 3 years in Azkaban as he was still a minor.

"Hem, hem", said the toad like woman with fake girlish voice which even  got Harry's attention. "I agree with Dumbledore Cornelius".

"Madam Umbridge, but he is cold blooded murderer", shouted Percy.

"I'm ashamed to have called him a friend. This murdering bastard has to die", said Ron with enough venom to kill a person.

"I propose Azkaban, but a life term imprisonment. That will keep the public​ remembering that no one is above the Ministry".

"I agree", said Fudge and before Dumbledore could protest, he got the necessary papers for the sentence and signed as the Minister of Magic with Ron signing as public witness. Sensing the punishment could not be reduced Albus Dumbledore​ signed as the Chief Warlock.

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