Operation Mutt Rescue Pt. 2

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Remus woke up and got ready soon knowing he might be contacted by Dung at any time. He prepared breakfast and was sat down with his bacon and toast when the elder Grangers walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Remus", said Dan with a huge smile. He sat down and built his breakfast with bacon and toast.

"Good Morning Dan. I don't see how you start every single day this cheerful", Remus replied.

Dan shrugged as though it was the most natural thing to wonder and said, "When you wake up every day with the person you love most in your arms, it takes too much to not be cheerful. Trust me, you'll know when you find yourself a woman".

Remus shook his head and said, "I think I'll have to take your word for it. No woman is going to love this shabby werewolf".

"Nonsense Remus, you are a good man, and any woman will be lucky to have you. The only thing you need to work on is your self-respect. And with Wolfsbane you are as good as an overgrown canine. You are not a danger, and you can get plenty of jobs on the muggle side. Heck, we might even hire you as Hermione's tutor once she sits her O.W.L.s", said Emma.

"So, you are planning to pull her out of Hogwarts next year?", asked Remus.

It was Dan who replied. "Hermione is our only daughter and we love her with all we have. Nothing is more important to us than her safety. We would have pulled her out this year if not for the consequence of leaving without passing O.W.L.s. With a corrupt and bigoted ministry, we can't even transfer her to another school. So, to answer your question, yeah we are hell bent on pulling her out at the first chance we get. We won't have much trouble from Hermione, the only person who might have made want to stay in Hogwarts isn't there currently", he finished.

"Not questioning your reason or decision, just wanted to be sure what you plan. I think you are right, and she'll be safer away from Hogwarts", Remus replied. Then he chuckled to himself and said, "A sad day indeed to think a student will be safer away from Hogwarts. Albus has a lot to answer". He stood up and said, "Lots to do and many places to visit. I will also be seeing Hermione tonight. You want me to pass her any message?"

Remus could see Emma controlling herself, with much difficulty, to stop from pestering more questions. Remus chuckled and thought, 'This is where Hermione gets it then'. "I'm meeting her to discuss about the arrangements I have made. Can't say much now till I speak to my contact", he said. Emma nodded and said, "Pass our love and ask her to be safe". Dan simply nodded. With that Remus apparated to the leaky Cauldron and proceeded to the Gringotts. The early morning crowd was very thin, and he had no trouble reaching Gringotts without meeting anyone. 'Glamour charms were not needed but it is better to be prepared than be sorry. Remus Lupin isn't supposed to be in England now after all', he thought.

Walking up to one of the free tellers he spoke, "Remus John Lupin here to pick up package from Gringotts Account Manager Griphook".

The goblin at the counter looked up once and placed a ritual bowl and a silver knife next to it. "Please cut your palm and shed a few drops of blood in there", said the goblin.

"Can I get a different knife? My condition doesn't react well with Silver", said Remus.

The goblin looked at Remus for a few seconds before taking away the silver knife. "You have the permission to draw your wand to make a slit on your palm. You are to put your wands away right after that".

Remus nodded and pulled his wand out, mindful of the eyes of goblins present in the lobby at this time. One of the security goblins made to move, but his goblin teller held up his palm and shook his head. The security goblin held his position but did not take his eyes off the wizard in front of him. Remus did as he was told, and all the goblins went back their work the moment Remus placed the wand inside his robes. Dropping a few drops into the bowl, Remus watched the blood drops shimmer and be replaced with a money pouch and a letter. "Since you did not use the knife, your palm will not heal on its own. You can mend it when you leave; use this cloth to wrap the wound for now. We do not want a decent wizard's blood on our floor".

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