A Sirius Matter

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Dan and Emma Granger ran into the kitchen early on Sunday morning hearing the sound of breaking glass. Inside, their daughter stood near the stove, completely shaken and trembling, broken glass littered all around her and a newspaper at her feet. On the front page was a face they had seen two years back on the telly. Above the face was the headline which had shocked their daughter as such.

'Sirius Black killed in a fight with Ministry Aurors'

Emma took her daughter in a hug and started soothing her. "Is this that Godfather character you spoke of?", Dan asked picking up the paper.

"Yes and he was the closest to a father figure Harry had. Sirius loved Harry so much that he survived on rats for the better part of last school year", saying this Hermione broke down again. Emma threw her husband a glare and walked her daughter out of the room.

"What a world this is. He survives to help his godson and the world believes he is after the boy's life, especially when this world has done nothing to help the said boy", spoke Dan to no one. He walked to the mini bar, took out his whiskey and raised the glass to an empty room in memory of Lord Black.

Upstairs in her room, Emma had a tough time consoling her daughter until she changed the topic to Harry. "He has suffered a great deal of loss, at least he will not know about Sirius for quite sometime", said Hermione.

"Are you going to go this place that you cannot speak of, even with Sirius not there?", asked Emma. Before Hermione could respond she continued, "How are we going to contact you if needed? Will there be a telephone?".

"I doubt, but Hedwig will turn up here if you wanna contact me", said Hermione. She picked up an owl treat and fed it to the owl asking, "won't you girl?". Hedwig hooted and playfully nibbled her finger after taking the treat.

Emma knew that her daughter didn't answer her first question, but let it slide. "When are you leaving to that order place dear", she asked. Hermione looked at her mom as though she didn't understand the question. "We both know you are going to that place whether Sirius is there or not. Going there has every possibility of finding more help in saving Harry than a couple of old dentists".

Hermione dashed in to her mom engulfing her in a bone-breaking hug. "I love you mom", she whispered in Emma's dress.

Wiping her eyes, "Let's get you packed then", said Emma.

After an hour the Granger ladies were in the living room with two large trunks. Crookshanks was nestled in Hermione's​ arms. Clearing her throat, Hermione tentatively called out, "Fawkes".

Nothing happened for a second, then in a burst of bright flame, the magnificent red bird flamed into their midst. Clutched in it's talon was a piece of parchment.

Hermione slowly pulled the parchment and read.
'Dear Miss Granger,

Fawkes can get you and your luggage to the headquarter. Alastor Moody will be waiting for you there to take you in.

P.S. I quite enjoy Raspberry jam'.

"What does he mean by he enjoys Raspberry jam? Is he asking you to bring him one?," asked Dan reading the parchment over his daughter's​ shoulder.

Sticking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, "I think that is a secret question to prove my identity to Prof. Moody", she replied. "He was supposedly  very paranoid before last year. I can't imagine how much his paranoia has grown in the months of being held prisoner in his own trunk".

Turning to her parents she hugged them both and said, "I'll send Hedwig once I'm settled in". She held her trunks and Crookshank securely. Fawkes sat on her shoulder and gave the elder grangers a reassuring cry before flaming away.

In a blink of an eye, Hermione found herself transported from her living room to a deserted public square. Opposite her were a series of shady looking houses one would expect to see as a drug cartel base in movies.

"I have got a wand pointed at you, do not move", grunted a voice behind her. "Professor, I'm Her...", was all Hermione managed before the wand tip was pressed into the back of her neck.

"Keep your mouth shut unless you are answering my question. Nod once if you understood", Moody growled. "Let me be the judge of who you are".

Just then Fawkes flamed Hermione from in front of Moody to a foot behind him. Without missing a beat she pulled out her wand and pointed it between his eyes as he whipped around.

"Even though I don't know as many powerful spells as you, I can think of a dozen spells to incapacitate or kill you this instant", said Hermione with anger. "I think I'll ask the questions for a change rather than answering them".

"That's enough, stand down both of you", said a familiar voice from the side. For some reason this agitated Hermione even more. "How many of you are there? You better talk fast before I curse him".

"Calm down Hermione. I, Arthur Weasley, swear on my magic that I'm who I claim to be.".

"What's with all this nonsense? Dumbledore has this place under fidelius charm and to top it off, Fawkes has flamed me in. Doesn't that summarily prove me to be who I appear to be?", snarled Hermione.

"You know about Alastor, and I have to say his stay inside his own trunk has done nothing to ease his fears", replied Arthur putting an arm around her shoulder.

This seemed to irritate her further. Moving out of his arm's reach and lowering her wand, she asked in a low cold voice. "How many of you think Harry deserves the punishment he got".

When neither said anything, she seemed momentarily satisfied, "shall we get into this abomination that you call headquarters?".

She was led into the Headquarters of the Order of Phoenix and was told, "Sirius was good enough to let the order have this place".

That's when she remembered the article from the morning. Mentally slapping herself for forgetting, she turned to Moody and asked about Sirius.

"Not here lass. Too many ears. Walk straight down the hall and turn left into the drawing room at the end", he replied and started discussing about some guard duty with Arthur.

Controlling her raising temper, she walked down the hall. She was so distracted that she neither noticed the snoring portrait closed by a set of curtains nor the elf heads mounted on a pole. Once inside the room, she started to pace around to help against the mounting tension and anxiety. 'Did I make the right decision to come here?', she thought. 'I know I have to complete another year's education before I can withdraw, but with Sirius already dead why did i agree to come here?'. For some who valued logic, this seemed to be an illogical decision.

Mentally slapping herself for the second time in the span of 5 minutes, she called out. "Dobby". An instant later he popped in. Without giving the little guy time to say anything she asked, "Is there any compulsion charm on me to come stay out the summer in this place?"

"No Miss Hermy, there is no such charm on you now, but there was one that is dissolving now that you have reached here. But there is another that is designed to keep you here. Another to keep you doubting yourself and finally one that makes you look upto Authority and obey them. The last one is already breaking due to Miss Hermy's love for Master Harry and Old Whiskered One's lies", said Dobby.

"Remove all the charms from me. If there are any on my luggage, remove them as well. Let them attribute it to the fidelius. If any further is cast, let me know when I'm alone and we shall deal with them".

"Yes Miss Hermy", said Dobby disappearing. Moments later Alastair opened the door and with him was Sirius Black.

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