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In the middle of the Northern Sea was the God-forsaken island that housed the Wizarding Britain's prison, the Azkaban. Unlike other prisons, this prison didn't need any fortified walls or out post and sentries to keep the prisoners in, for the island was the habitat of the worst fiends to ever walk this Earth; the Dementors.

The soul-sucking demons suck the will of the prisoners to continue living by making them relive their worst memories. This was the prison where the savior of Wizarding world during the first Voldemort war was chucked. He was left to rot in the prison by the same wizarding world he once saved.

The first day in he almost died from the presence of too many dementors. Taking pity on the poor boy, the warden of the prison restricted the Dementor access to his cell. Though it is one of the heavily guarded prison, he made sure the Dementors didn't go too near him to cause him to faint.

This in no way meant that he was safe from their effects. All he could think of was how his father died to give him and his mother a chance to escape, how his mother died trying to protect him and how betrayed Hermione felt when proof that he committed murder was produced. The only thing that kept him sane was the fact that he remembered what Sirius said, 'the whole time I stayed sane only because I remembered that I was innocent. It was not an happy thought and hence the Dementors can't suck it out of me'. He clung to his innocence like a lifeline.

Whenever he was not assaulted by the Dementor induced grief, he spent his time trying to think about what happened that fatal day. He hoped to understand what happened that day, who put him into this mess, is Voldemort behind this again? There wasn't much that he could hope to achieve even if he remember something. He was not allowed any visitors, and who would visit him in this hell anyway? The one friend he thought would believe him now thought him as murderer and his godfather was wanted criminal as such and would be kissed on sight; that was another fear of Harry's that the Dementors​ loved to play for him. He hoped someone will control Sirius not to do anything rash. He must know that the security has gone up a ten fold since his escape and is down right fatal even for Snuffles. As the days started rolling by his fear that Sirius will end up dead was slowly replaced by doubt of whether there was anybody thinking about him, missing him or believing him innocent. Little did he know two witches were doing the same, although one of them was also determined to get him out of that hell hole.

The only remotely friendly face he had seen in the days since his incarceration earlier that week had been the warden of the prison. So, to say that he was surprised when he saw Dobby would be an understatement. From another bout of Dementor induced horror show, he had slept of exhaustion. He felt something prod him. Not wanting his pains to follow him to dreams, he willed them to go away and closed his eyes tight. That's when he heard his name in a voice that he had last heard a few months back.

"Harry Potter sir must wake up. Dobby is wanting to help master", Dobby said in a silent whisper like tone.

Harry opened his eyes a slit to make sure that his ears are not deceiving him. There he was standing with the same weird combination of clothes he had seen earlier. He reached out his hands and touched Dobby's face. It was real and he was not hallucinating. Million things started fighting for attention in his brain. Questions about why Dobby was here, who sent him, is Dobby in trouble because of Dobby's association with him, how did he get in and more importantly can he get him out? The last question also generated a small hope that he thought was not possible a little while ago.

"Dobby", he whispered back. His voice was coarse from the lack of using. Dobby quickly placed his finger on Harry's lips quieting him. "Dobby cannot get the great Harry Potter out. Ministry is doing something on the cell door. It will hurt us", said Dobby.

The small flicker of hope was doused with a torrent of water, but he drew small comfort from the presence of a friend. He was about to ask Dobby when Dobby's next sentence sent him into another whirlwind of why, how, what and another small flicker of hope which he wanted with all of his being to continue burning.

"Master Harry's Grangy sent Dobby here with this", said Dobby holding a small envelope. With shaky hands Harry took the envelope and drank the sight of Hermione's writing. He was afraid to open it for the fear of what it'll say. Has she finally realized that he is not capable of any murder or is this continuation of that slap? There were other things that were nagging at the back like why Dobby is calling him Master, how did Hermione, inspite of all her S.P.E.W stuffs, sent Dobby to do such a dangerous work.

"Open it Master Harry Potter. Master must read them fast before anybody sees", said Dobby bringing Harry out of his thoughts. With shaky hands and Dobby's encouragement he opened the envelope. Out fell a heavy golden ring and a small letter. He vaguely registered the Potter crest on the ring before keeping it aside to read the letter. It was short, but gave him enough ammunition to fight all the Dementers in existence.

Harry, I know you are innocent and am sorry for what happened in the holding cell, I don't understand myself but Fawkes told me it is imperative that I do so in order to save you and defeat Voldemort. I'm trying to get you out of that hell hole, just don't know how. The ring is Potter's Head of House ring. If it accepts you it will protect your mind and won't be visible unless you want it to be.

P.S. Snuffles hasn't done anything stupid yet. I'll see him tomorrow and will keep him on leash.


Harry lifted his head to watch a tearful Dobby standing there. On whim he did an Hermioneish thing, he dropped the letter and scooped Dobby into a crushing hug. After a minute or two which felt much longer, "Master must try the ring", squeaked Dobby. Slowly Harry picked the ring that was once worn by his father and grandfather, admiring the craft. Wondering how his Hermione got the ring, he began slipping his finger in. His Hermione? Where did that come from? Aware that Dobby is watching, he shook himself and slipped the large ring wondering for the first time how it ll fit him. No sooner than he thought, the ring resized itself to fit its new owner.

To Harry, the effect was immediate. Even though he could feel the cold, he was no longer troubled by the Dementors. He was filled​ with an odd sense of peace that didn't belong in Azkaban.

"Master Harry Potter sir must ask the ring to be invisible for everyone else. And Master must act like he be suffering from Dementors", said Dobby. Nodding his head he willed his ring to become invisible and it did, for him.

"Dobby must go now. Dobby will come for the Master again", saying this Dobby summoned the letter and envelope with a snap and disapparated quietly.

Harry was staring at the space Dobby was standing for a very long time during which the warden came down to Harry's cell to investigate a disturbance reported by Dementors. Seeing the boy stare at empty wall with far off expression he decided that the boy was losing his sanity and left.

Harry would have loved to have Hermione's letter with him, but he knew it would be a risk. He was happy, safely so with the knowledge that Dementors can't steal it from him. He was now Head of Potter House, his friend had visited him, Sirius was safe, Hermione believed him, she was trying to break him out which knowing her was more than likely to happen and above all he had got back the Hope that Azkaban stole from him. All was not lost and this too shall pass. Harry slept with a smile on his face and peace in his mind. Hope was truly a magical feeling. So was Love. His smile broadened.

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