Die(Cry) Dumbledore, die(cry)

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Early next morning, Hermione woke up and penned a not to Griphook as Remus requested. "Dobby", she called.

After a minute a weary eyed Dobby popped in. Seeing the state, he was in Hermione was up in a second and asked, "Didn't you sleep last night?" Dobby shook his head. "I asked you to set up some alarm wards and sleep, right? I don't want you drop dead by tiring yourself Dobby", she said.

"Yes Ms. Hermy", he replied chastised. Seeing the note addressed to Griphook he moved to take it. Hermione moved it away and said, "Deliver the note to Griphook, eat something, set up wards around Sirius' room and sleep till you are fully rested". She gave the note after seeing Dobby nod his head with a small smile.

'I sure as hell don't want to be late today of all days', she thought and jumped into the bathroom to get ready. She was ready and within 10 minutes was out the portrait towards the great hall. Once there, she took a seat overlooking the Slytherin table making a note of who was coming in and where each person was sitting. Before long she was joined by Neville and the Weasley twins. So hard was her focus for the happenings at the table of green and silver, that she did not notice the new person at the head table until Neville asked, "Who is the new lady at the head table?".

Turning around she saw a woman with black hair having a furious discussion with Snape. Judging by their expressions, none were pleased to hear what the other had to say. "Based on what we have heard so far and seeing as she is chewing the head of previous Potions professor, that must be Healer Tonks, our Potions professor. We have her the entire afternoon Neville ", she said and looked at the far table again to see Daphne and Tracey making their way along the table to the rest of the fifth years. 'And the fun is going to begin', she thought happily.

Across the hall, Daphne made her way along the table to the rest of the fifth years. Quickly sitting next to Malfoy, she discreetly palmed the vial while looking around the hall searching for the perfect excuse to cause diversion. Seeing the new professor at the head table, she got her excuse. She knew it was Professor Tonks. She has come to the castle the last three days directly to the potions lab to handle a half day class for each of the first three years. Today and tomorrow, she would be at the castle all day handling two year-groups each day. 'St. Mungo's must really pay her well for her to accept putting up with a bunch of students', she thought. 'And considering the fact that she used to be a Black until blasted out of family tree for marrying a muggleborn, this is my perfect excuse. Malfoy is going to throw a big rant'.

She pointed at the head table and loudly wondered, "Who is the new lady talking to Professor Snape?".

That was enough to turn all heads around. She seized the chance and emptied the contents into Malfoy's goblet and vanished the vial. 'I must be really lucky today', she thought seeing Malfoy 's wand poking out of his robe pocket. Quickly she snatched it and performed the switching spell required and placed it back. Malfoy in the heat of his rant did not notice a thing.

With the deed done, she waited for the show to start, nodding her head at Malfoy's ongoing rant.

At the top table Andromeda Tonks was getting a headache by simply listening to the greasy git next to her. 'If this was what Dora had to endure for seven years before graduating, I should appreciate her for sticking with her auror dream and not giving up potions after O.W.L.s', she thought.

"Not my fault if the students are such a dunderhead. They don't understand the basic reaction of various ingredients or even the importance of the direction of stirring", Snape continued.

She shook her head and thought, 'No point in telling him that teaching those exact things is why he was appointed as potions professor'. Clearing her throat to halt his rants she said, "I want the assignment, assessment and other details that you have for the current student populace". Seeing him open his mouth, "I know you keep all of these organized, so don't bother any excuses", she added. "Oh, and before I forget, I want the same details for my daughter as well. Don't make me ask twice, you will not like the consequences", she said and went back to her scrambled eggs.

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