Wills and Won't

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After a hasty lunch that was heavy with silence, Hermione led her parents to the Gringotts. Griphook was waiting for them at the end of the teller rows. Hermione repeated the Goblin greeting which left her parents gaping with open mouth.

Griphook repeated the greeting and turned to her parents. "Mr.Granger, Mrs. Granger. Greetings on behalf of the Gringotts". After the initial shock the Granger couple smiled and shook the proferred paw..... no, hands. Goblins are sentient beings, not creatures.

Griphook ushered the trio into the meeting room. "The Director is waiting for us", he said.

"Mom, Dad, the Director of Gringotts is the Head of the entire Goblins of Britain. Something akin to Her Majesty", Hermione said in an undertone. This only served to shock the couple furthermore.

They entered the conference room and introductions were dealt with quickly. "Has Hermione filled you in on the morning's happenings?", asked Ragnok. Dan looked at his daughter who still seemed lost while Emma said, "No Director Ragnok. She is still lost in whatever was discussed in the morning. All she said was that our help is needed". Trying to cut the tension in the air, "and that you are something akin to Her Majesty of Britain", she added.

"I see", said Ragnok with a chuckle.

"I haven't told them anything yet since I was not sure of the result of the search Manager Griphook conducted. Is it possible to protect the mind with the Potter family rings?", asked Hermione. Ragnok could hear the desperation of a daughter wanting to ensure protect her parents from the one of the worlds she belongs.

He beckoned Griphook who brought an gold box with a ruby Griffin on top. He opened the box to reveal the largest collection of rings they had ever seen. Hermione was sure that expansion charms were put on the box to house such a huge number.

"We don't know if they'll work on non magicals. That is unprecedented", explained Griphook. He picked two rings from a row that was all identical; silver band, plain except for a ruby embedded in it. In the center of the ruby was the image of a golden Griffin​, Potter family's symbol.

"What is going on? Why are these needed? What do you mean you don't know if it works on non-magicals?", asked Dan Granger. After a second he added "what work are these rings going to do?".

"Dad, I have told you about some magical folk able to read other people's mind remember?". Dan nodded unsure where this is going. "Well, long story short. My headmaster is one of them. So is my potions master. Both have no qualms about violating other's privacy. There is a way to protect your mind against such attacks. But that is only possible for us magicals. So to bring you in on everything happening we have to make sure nobody can steal anything from your mind", said Hermione in a single breath.

Griphook took over seamlessly and continued. "These two rings are among those which are given to protectees of House Potter. Since your daughter has been named as the sole beneficiary of everything House Potter has ever owned, she has full rights to make you the House's protectees. Before you ask any further questions please put these rings on. As you can see, they are bigger than your fingers. If they accept you, they'll resize to appropriate sizes".

With a glance at each other and then at Hermione, who encouraged them with a nod, they each took a ring and placed it on the respective finger. At first nothing happened. Then before their very eyes, the rings shrunk to fit the finger.

"Do we have to test whether their minds are protected now?", Hermione asked. "This is Goblin's creation at it's best. If the rings deemed them worthy it'll protect them. There is no need to test anything", Ragnok said with a slight growl.

"Forgive me, I didn't intend to doubt the quality or power of any Goblin work. I only wished to be sure that they are protected. Your assurance is test enough Director Ragnok", Hermione said. Turning to her parents, "There are a lot of things going on. Please remain calm while I explain everything to you".

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