Betrayal and Beliefs

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Albus Dumbledore apparated to the Burrow holding Ron. Once they landed he was bent double and looked like throwing up. "Bloody hell", he shouted, "that's like the worst way to travel. Why couldn't we have taken the Knight Bus or something".

Before anything more could be said a loud female voice rent the air around the Burrow startling the birds to take to air. "RONALD! That is not how you talk to a Professor let alone your headmaster. Get inside now". Ron hurried inside before his mother could change her mind and continue her rant. "Would you like to come inside for a cup of tea Albus?".

"Sure Molly, though I wouldn't say no to something stronger", he replied smiling his trademark grandfather smile.

Once they were inside, Molly busied herself making tea while Albus sat at the table and pulled the latest Daily Prophet issue and glanced at the headline. A large picture of Harry glared back at him under the headline, "Boy-Who-Lived's relatives murdered at their home; Harry Potter detained as Prime Suspect". Molly finished making the tea and added a splash of Ogden's Finest into the cup and handed it to Albus sitting herself at the table.

Looking down at the article on the paper she broached the events that would have happened this morning. "Albus, what happened at the Ministry. Is the worst we suspected in the morning true?". She looked up into the twinkle-less eyes which seemed to confirm their worst fears. Before the headmaster could answer, Ron barged into the room saying, "Mom, the murderer is sentenced to a life imprisonment in Azkaban. The Next Dark Lord will not get a chance to cause much damage". He looked at his mother's face and continued, "He isn't strong enough to survive Azkaban. He will die listening to his mom pleading to You-Know-Who and it'll serve him right for going dark. He is ...", they never found what Harry is as a blinding red spell hit Ron square in the face causing him to fall down clutching his face. Ginny entered the dining room with her wand in hand and murder in her eyes. "Do not speak about Harry like that", she shrieked.

When Ron took his hands off his face, the sight that greeted them wasn't a pretty one. It never has been and will never be when someone is at the receiving end of Ginny's infamous Bat-Bogey Hex. Without a second thought Dumbledore waved his wand at Ron's face countering the curse but not before everyone caught sign of bat shaped bogies flying around and attacking his face. He looked Ginny in the eye and said, "Ginny, I know how difficult it will be to believe that someone you trusted fully betrays that trust. I have had my share in my long life and last night I suffered another one. What your brother said is true. Harry Potter is found guilty and is sent to Azkaban". Ginny started crying and tried to run out of the room, but shockingly fast for his age the headmaster caught her hand and stopped her. "His wand was checked and proved that it was indeed used to cast a number of unforgivables. Please accept that, no matter how hard it is. Harry has already turned dark or is just starting to turn dark is something we can only guess at this point". He produced a parchment from inside his robes and handed it to Ginny. She read it through her tear filled eyes and looked up at the headmaster. He took the parchment and handed it to Ron and after he read incinerated it. "I want your family to move to the Headquarters of the Order of Phoenix for the reminder of the summer. I will see you there this sunday", saying this he stepped out of the house and apparated away to who-knows-where to do who-knows-what.

Back at Crawley, Hermione had trouble thinking straight after reading the letter she got from Gringotts. 'Harry, why do you have to keep complicating everything for me?', she thought, but then a word caught her attention. 'Vaults? But there is only one that Harry has spoken of. Maybe there is more which has been kept from him. Thinking about everything that was happening at the moment, it wouldn't be a surprise'. She resolved to ask about it to Griphook.

She was brought out of her musings by the sound of her parent's arrival. She knew her mom will come up to her room to check how the morning at ministry went. 'She can't know all the details. It's not safe. Speaking about safety I have to be proficient in occlumency before the summer is out', she thought. Thinking about all the books on this subject that she knew, she proceeded to tidy her room.

She heard a knock on the door and her mom entered the room. "Hermione, we came as soon as we finished our day's important appointments", Emma Granger said. Hermione looked at her mother's face and nodded and looked down again.

"Did Harry ....", she started asking before Hermione lost her composure and started crying again. Emma took her daughter in a big hug and and sat down on the bed putting Hermione's head in her lap. Holding Hermione in a hug Jean let her cry till it died down to silent sobs.

After what seemed to be a long time for Emma, Hermione calmed down enough to talk. "Headmaster took Ron and myself to the ministry. We went to the holding cell where Harry is held. There is a way to check what spells were last cast using a wand. It was performed on his wand and that wand was used for killing his relatives". Emma gasped at that revelation. Hermione continued calmly, "It shows what was cast using the wand and not who did the casting. Harry is innocent. But he is sentenced to life in Azkaban", she finished.

"But he is a minor, life sentence is a bit overboard, isn't it?", Emma asked. "Mom , there are politicians everywhere and they don't see people. Just what is to be gained. I know Harry is innocent. People have already started speculating that he was working with Voldemort", said Hermione surprising herself that she has said the name without fear. The day has changed a lot in her.

"I'm already working on checking what can be done to help him", she said. Seeing her mother about to offer help and advice, she immediately stopped her saying,"No Mom, you can't help because I cannot tell you everything that I find. Some wizards can read other's mind and being non magical you don't have any defence against it. I myself am going to start learn this mental defence. We have to go to Diagon Alley to pick some books. But I promise you that I'll be careful and safe. I don't plan on running into any risky situation before sorting out Harry's condition. We'll fill you in on everything together once that is done".

"I think you have made up your mind and are not going to change", said Emma. Hermione shook her head and she continued, "We can go to Diagon Alley this Saturday, will that work for you?"

"Sure Mom", said Hermione, "and there is this as well". Hermione took the Gringotts letter and handed it to her Mom. "I don't know what, why, how regarding this letter. We'll find out on Saturday".

Emma hugged and kissed her daughter on both the cheeks and said, "Take care dear. I'll inform your Dad". Hermione smiled and watched her Mom leave her room. "Dobby".

The little elf wearing mismatched socks appeared in front of her with a very small pop. "Ms. Grangy called Dobby?", he asked without his usual happiness.

She knelt down in front of the small elf and hugged him saying, "I know Harry is innocent and I'm going to get him out of there. I'll need your help though".

The first smile broke out on Dobby's face and he shrieked with happiness, "Anything​ Ms. Grangy".

The Next Dark LordOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora