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"Ace you answered thus question wrong." You pointed out the mistake on the paper to your friend.

Your freckled friend was sat across from you at the cafe table, gobbling down some muffins. Every Wednesday you two would come to the cafe to work on homework together. Well it was more like you tutoring your friend on every subject since he slept through most classes.

"Really? How do you know?" Ace teased, you liked to give you a hard time each time you pointed out a wrong answer of his. He knew you were right and just liked to mess with you since he found school work dull.

"Because I'm smarter then you." You smirked at him, which soon turned into a debate about whether or not you actually were smarter then him. You soon won though when you pointed out your grades were better than his. It's not that you thought Ace was stupid, he just needed to pay attention during classes. You continued with the study session which was mostly you helping Ace correct the answers he got wrong.

"It's late I'll walk you home." Ace said as you put your homework back into your bags.

"Ya' know you don't have to walk me home every time." You always said the same thing back to Ace each time he offered to walk you home. Mostly because your house wasn't far from the cafe.

"What kind of friend would I be if I let you walk home in the dark? You could be attacked by ghost." Ace's lips formed a circle as he let out a high pitched 'boo' at the end of his sentence.

"Fine, fine. You can walk me home, just stop making that noise." You chuckled while pushing him out the cafe doors. It was a bit chilly outside as autumn was settling, you were glad you decided to wear a hoodie today.

"I can't wait until school is done." Ace sighed.

"The school years barely started." You pointed out.

"So? We've already gotten a shit ton of homework. It's awful." Ace dramatically placed his hand against his forehead as he let out a long sigh. "I want it to be summer again."

"After summer we have another year of school." You snickered as he started to pout.

"Why do you gotta remind me?" Ace whined, he playfully nudged you in the shoulder.

"Just keeping it real. Besides after that we'll be free from the clutches of high school." You smiled at him.

"True. It still sucks though." Ace came to a stop in front of your house. "I'll see you tomorrow. And say hi to Izo for me."

You waved Ace of as he headed down the street. Once he disappeared around the corner you headed inside. You lived with your older brother Izo who was good friends with Marco, Ace's older brother. When your brother was in high school he often hung out with Marco at his house, you were often dragged along. Your younger self hated it at first, you didn't want to hangout with your brother and his friends, but you soon became fast friends with Ace.

"Hey, your back late." Izo greeted you, he was sitting in the livingroom with a face mask on and a glass of wine in his hand.

"Ace sleeps through more of his classes this year than last year. I have to catch him up on a lot of subjects. He say hi by the way." You tossed your backpack to the floor and kicked off your shoes.

"He's lucky he has a friend like you to help him out. Anyways there's supper in the fridge if you're hungry." Izo turned back to his show.

You plated yourself some food and popped it in the microwave before joining your brother on the couch. He was watching k-drama which you couldn't understand as you tried to talk to your brother and read the subtitles at the same time.

You walked to your locker, opening it up you took out some text books while stuffing ones you didn't need back into it. Next to you your locker mate was also going through his locker. His name was Trafalgar Law and despite having a locker next to him since the beginning of last year, you've never talked to him. Well that's not exactly true, when you first got your locker and were putting everything in you did say hi to him. But he just responded with a grunt and a shrugof his shoulders.

He was also very quick at his locker, grabbing what he needed and walking of to class. You shared biology class with him, you were sat on the opposite side of the room from him. It didn't matter much to you though, if he didn't want to talk to you, you weren't going to force him too.

"Hey, do have the notes from class yesterday?" You jumped a little as Law closed his locker and turned to speak to you.

"Huh?" You were actually confused as to why he was talking to you, despite hearing what he asked. You just didn't think he notice you in the one class you had together.

"I asked if you have notes from class? I wasn't here yesterday." Law huffed, his yellow eyes glaring at you.

Geez, if you're gonna look so pissed about it why ask me?

"Yeah... here you go." You pulled your notebook from your bag and handed it to him.

"Thanks. I'll give it back to you in bio." Law said as he walked off. You watched as he walked down the hallway, only rushing off to class yourself when the bell rang.

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