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You rolled out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen where Izo was making breakfast.

"How was your date yesterday?" Izo asked as he placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of you.

"It was good, I had fun." You replied with a smile.

"That's good... I guess I should have the birds and the bees talk with you." Izo sat down across from you at the table with his own plate of food.

The what and the what now?

"Don't give me that look. I saw you two kissing and as your older brother it's only right I prepare you for what else might happen." Izo slightly cringed as he said that last part, your older brother wasn't all that comfortable with the subject either.

"You don't gotta do that, honestly I know all the birds and the bees." You frantically shook your head.

"And how do you know?"

"People talk." Was all you could mumble out. You knew about the basic functions of sex, but never having done the deed yourself, you couldn't say you knew all that much about it.

"Yes people do talk, doesn't mean it's reliable information. You know to use a condom, right? And what consent is?" Izo questioned you.

"I haven't been living under a rock, I know about that stuff." You said with a deepening blush on your face.

"No need to be embarrassed, I just want to make sure you know the right stuff so you stay safe." Izo reassured you.

"I know. But could we not talk about while we're eating? What if you say something weird?" You lightly chuckled.

"Fine, we can talk about it later. For now tell me about Law." Izo smiled. You told about how you met Law, how you thought he was kind of stand-offish at first, but actually really nice once you got talking to him. After breakfast was done you washed the dishes then headed back upstairs to get changed.

You were going to an indoor trampoline park with your friends so you dressed comfortably in a pair of leggings and a t-shirt. You flopped onto your bed and scrolled through your phone as you waited for Sabo to pick you up.

Law: hey for our project did you want to do it on the rainforest?

(Y/N): yeah the rainforest is a good choice, there's a diversity of species there to research.

Law: great we can talk about more tomorrow.

You got a text from Sabo saying he was outside, you slipped on a hoodie and headed outside. You got into the back of Sabo's car, Zoro was already in the back and Luffy was up front in the passenger seat.

"Hey (Y/N), how are you? We just gotta stop and get Koala then we'll head to the trampoline park." Sabo said over his shoulder.

"Yeah how was your date?" Zoro smirked while playfully elbowing you in the side.

"I'm good, the date was too." You replied, you buckled  your seat belt and Sabo started driving.

"What did you and Law do?" Luffy asked, you didn't think he'd be interested in your date.

"We took his dog on walk, got ice cream, and saw a movie. Oh, his dog Bepo, is so cute." You gushed a bit.

"Ice cream? Sabo can we get ice cream?"

"Maybe later, you can't jump around and eat ice cream at the same time."

Luffy pouted slightly, but was still happy to hear he'd most likely get ice cream later. You guys pulled up in front of Koala's house soon and she got into the backseat with you and Zoro, and was quick to ask you about your date. You told her what you had told the boys, but she wanted all the juicy details. You promised you would tell her when you met up with the others knowing Nami and Robin would want to hear everything too, you didn't want to repeat yourself a bunch of times. When you got to the trampoline park you all went in to see if the rest of your friends were there yet.

"Everyone over here!" You heard Nami yell, she was sitting on a bench along with Robin, Franky, and Chopper. They were each putting on the padded socks that trampoline park provided.

"What's with the socks?" Zoro asked once you all made your way over to them.

"The workers give them to you, they're to not ruin the trampolines or something." Chopper shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyways we checked everyone in, here are your socks and we rented out two lockers so everyone can put their stuff away." Robin handed you each a pair of socks and pointed to the lockers she was talking about. You were glad to slip out of your hoodie, you haven't even started jumping yet, but you could already feel yourself sweating a little from the heat of the place.

You stuffed your hoodie, shoes and socks into the locker along with everyone else's stuff and put on the neon green socks Robin gave you.

"These socks really match you." You smirked up at Zoro, seeing that everyone had on neon green socks.

"These aren't even the right shade of green." Zoro grumbled, causing you to laugh. You never thought that the shade of green would be important to him.

Sanji, Usopp, and Brook still weren't here yet, so Robin and Franky offered to wait for them while the rest of you went ahead. There were quite a few people jumping around already, your group had to bounce over to the far wall were there was enough space for all of you. The wall of the place also had trampolines on them which stuck out at a bit of an angle, which Luffy bounced on and cannonballed himself straight into Zoro and Sabo.

You had luckily pulled Chopper out of the way before the three could fall on him, Chopper was pretty petite. Even if the floor was all trampoline the young boy probably would have injured something if any of the other males in your friend group landed on him, they were all pretty muscular.

"Guys watch this!" Luffy attempted to do what you were guessing was a back flip, he didn't get the flip in at all though. He ended up just jumping straight up then landing on his back instead of his feet, the momentum causing him to bounce back up and land on his face this time. You all broke out laughing especially when Luffy attempted the back flip again and got the same results.

Robin and Franky eventually came over with Sanji, Usopp, and Brook in tow. Your group of friends decided to start up a game of tag with Usopp being it first. It was a bit chaotic to say the lease, most of the other people at the trampoline park were couples with there young kids. While avoiding Usopp you also had to avoid bouncing on little children. You found easy to go around the kids, but you almost had a panic attack when you saw Luffy nearly barrel into some kids, luckily Sabo stopped him in time.

"So tell us about your date, you said you wanted to tell when Nami and Robin were here and now there here. So tell!" Koala shook your arm, her along with Nami and Robin had been jumping around with you, waiting to here about your date.

"It was a good date, we walked his dog, got ice cream, saw a movie, held hands and kissed." It probably wasn't all the details the girls wanted, but Law had shared some personal stuff with you and you weren't about to blab about it.

"How was the kiss?" Robin asked, Nami and Koala jumping closer to you so they could hear what you had to say.

"It was good? Well I liked I don't know if he did..." You trailed off in thought, nearly tripping over a kid, Robin grabbing your arm and steering you in the right direction.

"What do you mean you don't know if he liked it?" Nami questioned.

"It was my first kiss so..." You shyly shrugged your shoulders.

"He was your first kiss?!" Nami practically yelled. Somewhere you could hear Sanji whining about how the universe was unfair.

"Yes, I liked the kiss. But I have zero experience so I don't know if he liked it." You replied.

"Did he kiss back?" Robin asked to which you nodded. "Then I'm sure he liked it."

"That's good. Also sorry about this." You held a guilty smile as you gently shoved the three women away from yourself before bouncing away from them.

"Huh? Why did-"

"You're it Nami!"

"Aww c'mon, (Y/N) you owe me!"

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