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The air felt thick around you and Ace the next day at school. You two sat next to each other in the classes you shared, it was only second period and your best friend had barely said anything to you.

You had tried talking to him, he only responded with a 'hello' then went on his phone. You knew he had to be avoiding you about the lie he told you yesterday, you've known Ace long enough to know he felt bad about lying. But you couldn't help but feel like there was more to this lie then he was letting on.

When the bell rang for third period, you were glad that your next class was cosmetology. You didn't share the class with Ace, you wanted to be away from him right now if he was going to act like you didn't exist. You thought cosmetology would be stress free, but it wasn't. It was partnered work today, it was a simple task of doing an oil treatment on each other's hair.

Normally you liked doing partnered work in cosmetology class, it was nice getting some sort of hair treatment for free. Except you were partnered with Bonney, you didn't think it would be bad, maybe a little awkward since you knew Ace lied to you to be with her yesterday. There wasn't any talking between you two except for explaining the hair treatment to each other the way you would a client. You were fine with that, if she didn't want to talk you weren't going to force her to. But you knew something was up when she spent the whole class glaring at you.

Lunch rolled around and you went to go sit with your usual group of friends. You wanted to take this time to talk to Ace privately about what was going on. When you reached the lunch table you noticed your freckled friend wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Hey Sabo, where's Ace?" You asked the blond as you sat down at the table.

"I saw him go off somewhere with that Bonney chick." Zoro spoke before Sabo could say anything. You nodded your head without saying anything to let him know you heard him.

"Hmm, is something going on between you two?" Sabo questioned as he took notice of the slight frown on your face.

"No, it's nothing. I just needed to ask him something." You lied, from the look on his face you could tell Sabo didn't buy your little white lie. Luckily he did push any further and went back to talking with Koala.

If Ace lying to you about his date was a one time thing, you didn't want to blow it of proportion by telling his his brothers and your friends. You figured you could clear the air if you could talk to Ace himself.

You pulled out your lunch and listened in as Nami talked about her upcoming family vacation. Halfway through eating your lunch you gave it to Luffy as he was literally drooling all over your food. The ravenette did receive a swat over the head from Sabo for taking your lunch.

"I'll pick you up for game night." You told Zoro, he along with Nami, Usopp, and Sanji would sometimes come for game night at the Newgate house. Since Zoro had a terrible sense of direction you would often pick him up on your way to the Newgate residence.

"Thanks, I'll see you later." Zoro said just as the bell rang. You gathered up your stuff and headed off to your biology class, you couldn't deny that you weren't looking forward to seeing Law.

When you got to class you quickly spotted Law sitting at a table near the back of the class, he had his notebook out and was going over his notes. You walked over and sat down next to him before one of his friends came in and stole the spot.

"Hello (Y/N)-ya, how are you?" Law looked up from his notebook and greeted you.

"Yeah, I'm good. How's your day been?" You replied. Maybe saying you felt good was a bit of a stretch, you still felt bad about what was going on with Ace. But talking with Law definitely brightened your mood.

"Meh, classes have been a drag." He flipped a page in his notebook and started writing something else. He paused for a moment and turned to look at you. "I'm taking Bepo-ya for another walk today. Would you like to come?"

A smile came to your face at that, hanging out with Law sounded like a nice idea. You knew that the Newgate brothers wouldn't mind if you skipped out on game night. But you had promised to get Zoro and it would be a good chance for you to talk with Ace, he couldn't avoid in his own house.

"That sounds nice, but I already have plans with friends after school. We can go for that walk some other day though... or get ice cream, or see a movie." You stopped talking as you realized you were starting to ramble.

"There's an ice cream stand in the park, we can go there with Bepo-ya this weekend. Here's my number." Law had a slight smirk on his lips as he handed you a torn page from his notebook with his number on it.

"I'll see this weekend then." You smiled up at him.

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