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You and Nami had stayed in her sister's car longer than intended. You showed up a little late to your next class. Luckily, the teacher hadn't shown up yet, so you found an empty desk and sat down. You grabbed your notebook from your bag and pulled out your phone. You took the time to search up plants and animals that lived in the rainforest. You made a list of the ones you found interesting, Law would be doing the same thing. Later in biology class, you two would compare your lists, choosing the animals and plants you liked best from each one for your project.

The teacher showed up fifteen minutes after class was supposed to start, apologizing for their lateness. Not that anyone minded. You flipped to a new page in your notebook, taking some notes on what the teacher said. The remainder of class was spent working on a worksheet that the teacher handed out.

Your next class was one you weren't looking forward to. You liked your cosmetology class, but now that you knew what kind of person Bonney was, you didn't want to go to it. Especially if there was any partner work today.

You entered the cosmetology classroom and went to your work space. You set your bag down and cleaned up your work space while waiting for the teacher's instructions. There was no partner work today instead you would be practicing hair styles on one of the mannequin heads.

You walked over to the side of the classroom where the mannequins were kept. You picked one that had curly hair as you haven't practiced much on the type of hair.

"I wanted that one." Bonney whined, you hadn't noticed her beside you.

"That one has curly hair." You pointed at a different mannequin. The curls on it were a little bigger compared to the tight curls of the mannequin you had.

"No, I want that one." Bonney huffed her arms crossed as she glared at you.

"Ladies, what's going on over here?" The teacher came over.

"(Y/N) took the mannequin I wanted." Bonney told the teacher.

"Miss, I grabbed it first." You spoke up.

"That doesn't matter. I wanted it." Bonney said once again, she had a smug look on her face like she was about to get her way.

"Bonney, (Y/N) got the mannequin first, so she gets to use it. It's a first come, first served type of bases here. You can, however, reserve it for the next class. I did tell you this when you joined the class, remember?" The teacher calmly explained.

Bonney had a slightly irritated look on her face as she listened to the teacher, her face scrunching into a frown when she heard some of the other students snickering at her.

"Yes, I remember." Bonney grumbled.

"Good, then pick out a different mannequin for today's class." The teacher smiled and walked back over to her desk. You were about to walk away when Bonney started to talk to you again.

"You better watch yourself (Y/N), I can make your life a living hell." Bonney glared at you. To anyone else, they probably would have felt scared or threatened by her. You didn't doubt that she would do whatever she could to make your school life miserable. But all you could think about was your friends that would have your back.

"I'd like to see you try." You smirked as you walked past her and to your work station. You couldn't help but giggle at the shocked expression on her face, you were guessing she was expecting her to take her threat more seriously.


"She said what to you?" Koala questioned to make sure she heard you right.

"She said she'd make my life a living hell." You replied while taking your lunch out of your bag.

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