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"....that concludes our presentation on the rainforest. How did I do?" You nervously glanced over at Law and Rosinante. You were over at their house going over the presentation for your's and Law's project. You were a nervous public speaker, so Law suggested that it would be good for you to practice a few times.

Bepo let out a bark and nosed at your hand. You reached down and scratched behind his ear.

"I agree with Bepo-ya. You did a good job." Law smiled. At the mention of his name, Bepo trotted over to his owner to get some attention from him.

"You did great. I couldn't even tell you were nervous." Rosinante agreed.

"That's good. Let's hope I can do this well tomorrow." You gave a nervous chuckle.

"You'll do fine. Now c'mon I'll drive you home." Law glanced at the clock hanging in the living room. It wasn't all that late, but it was a school night, and Izo would be on your ass if you didn't get home soon. Especially since you were at your boyfriend's house. He liked Law, but you were his baby sister, so he could be very protective. Rosinante, on the other hand, was thrilled that Law got a girlfriend and was happy to have you over whenever.

"See ya' later Rosi." You waved goodbye to Rosinante and followed Law out the door.

Law blasted the heat in the car. It had snowed a little, and the night air was chilly. That didn't stop you from making Law stop at a convenience store when you saw they had a two for one deal on slurpees.

"I'll see you tomorrow." You leaned over and kissed him once he pulled up in front of your house.

"Like always." Law softly chuckled. You two had gotten into a habit of saying 'see you tomorrow' after you two spent time together even though you saw each other at school the next day.

"Drive home safe. Text me when you get home."

"I will. Have a good night."

"Goodnight." You gave him another kiss before leaving the car. You waved to him once you unlocked your front door and waited until he drove off before entering your house.

"You're cutting it close." Izo said as soon as you shut the door. He was coming out of the kitchen with a bottle of wine and wine glass in his hands.

"But I'm home just on time."

"And with a slurpee. It's cold out, you know." Izo grimaced when you took a loud sip of your frozen drink. He wasn't one for the cold and especially hated eating or drinking anything cold in the winter.

"You're drinking when you have work tomorrow." You chuckled and followed him over to the couch.

"One bottle isn't enough to do me over." Izo smirked. He set his wine bottle and glass down on the coffee table and flipped the TV on.

"True. Can I have some."

"Just a little bit. It is a school night, after all."


You were glad you woke up early enough so Izo could give you a ride to school before he went to work. You didn't want to walk to school with your diorama on the icy sidewalk and accidentally drop it.

Law was bringing the poster board with all the written research on it. You waved goodbye to your brother and walked into school. You were careful to make sure your miniature jungle didn't get bumped by any of the other students walking in the hall.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Someone called out to you when you got to your locker. You turned around to see Ace storming over to you. He had a deep frown set on his face as he glared at you.

"What do you want?" You sighed and turned back to open your locker. You were stopped by him placing a hand on your shoulder and spinning you around. You clasped onto the sides of your diorama as it nearly slipped out of your grasp. "Hey, watch it!"

"Real nice of you to set Bonney up to get her suspended." Ace grumbled.

"I didn't do anything. She got herself in trouble. And get your hand off of me." You shook your shoulder. He did as you said, his hand falling to his side and balling into a fist.

"Bullshit!" Ace raised his hand and smacked the diorama out of your hands. You gasped as you watched it smack into the wall. The little plastic animals that had been glued on scattering across the floor and some of the plastic trees snapping.

You couldn't help but sniffle as you stared at the ruined project. You and Law had put a lot of work into it, and now it just laid ruined on the floor. Wrecked by someone you used to have a lot of trust in.

"Shit. (Y/N) I'm sor-"

"I hate you." You blurted out as you glared up at Ace. He looked shocked and guilty hearing that. You didn't care, though. You were sick of his attitude. At first, you felt sorry for him believing the lies Bonney told him. Now, you just didn't care if he wanted to believe her. If he wanted to push you and his other friends away.

"(Y/N)-ya, are you alright? What happened?" Law came rushing over. The poster board that was tucked under his arm leaned against a locker as he pulled you into his arms. He looked over at the diorama on the ground and glared over at Ace. "What did you do?"

"I-I didn't mean to."

"What's going on out here?" A teacher came walking out of their classroom after they heard the commotion. They stared at you three and the wrecked project on the ground. "Principles office now."

You and Law weren't in the principles office long. Ace explained that everything was his fault and was still in the principles office. 

You two passed Newgate on your way out of the office. The man looked furious as he marched into the principles office, only stopping to offer you an apology.

Your biology teacher had been informed of the situation and gave you and Law a week to fix your project. You were glad you two got time to fix the project, but you still felt bad that it was broken in the first place.

"Don't worry about the project. It wasn't your fault." Law wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his side.

"I know. It's just that we worked hard on it, and now we have to do it over." You sighed and rested your head on his shoulder. You two had decided to be good students and skip class. You two had holed yourselves up in the school garden.

"It won't be so bad. We still got all the pieces." Law nudged the plastic bag next to his foot. It was full of your broken diorama. The plastic animals could still be used, but the trees and the box it was in would need to be replaced.

"I'll have to practice our presentation all over again." You chuckled.

"Cora-san and Bepo-ya will be happy to watch you practice again. "

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