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"No way! Izo walked in on you two?" Nami gasped.

"Were you two naked?" Koala asked.

"I'm sure if they were naked, Law would be six feet under right now." Robin smirked from over the rim of her wine glass. You four were gathered at Robin's apartment, enjoying a girl's night.

"We weren't naked. But we might as well have been in Izo's eyes." You groaned.

"Well, you are Izo's baby sister." Koala said in a teasing baby voice. She giggled as she dodged the couch pillow you tossed at her. "But what happened after? Did Izo kick Law's ass? Forbid you from seeing him?"

"No, no. Law made it out in one piece. I did get a long and awkward talk, though." You sighed. You reached over to the bottle of wine on the table and refilled your glass.

"How awkward are we talking?" Nami questioned.

"Awkward as in I now know about a bunch of different sex terms and positions." You replied.

"That doesn't sound so bad. It's good to be educated about these things." Robin said, Nami and Koala nodding in agreement.

"I know. But Izo was so detailed with it that I'm pretty sure he did most of what he was talking about." You had an embarrassed blush on your face as you remembered the talk with Izo.

"Yeah, that's not something anyone wants to know about their sibling." Nami shivered in mild disgust.

"You can still see Law, that's good. But, did Izo lay out some ground rules?" Koala asked. Before you could reply, there was a knock at the door. Robin got up to answer it, revealing the delivery boy holding two bags of the food you ordered. She paid the man with the money you had all given her, except for Nami, you all owed her some money. She came back over and started pulling the food out of the bags, setting it all  on the coffee table.

"I mean, I already had to leave my room door while Law was over. The only thing Izo added was that now, if he leaves for work or anything that takes him away from the house. Then Law has to leave, too. Unless there are other people over." You explained. You grabbed one of the plastic forks and started digging into the takeout food.

"That's not so bad. When I first started dating, my mom wouldn't even let me bring boys over. And I couldn't go to their houses either. My mom made sure to get the parents' number of whatever boy I was seeing. And call them up to make sure I wasn't over at their house." Nami sighed. You chuckled, remembering how Izo would get calls from Bellemere asking if Nami was actually over at your house. Her mom had gotten a lot more lax, still she made sure Nami never spent the night at a boys' house.

"At least Izo and Bellemere aren't like my step-dad. He scared off any guy that got within a twenty foot radius of me. I was lucky that Franky wasn't intimidated by him." Robin smiled.

"Yeah, I find your step-dad scary, and I'm not even dating you." You giggled, the others joining in with you. You had only met Robin's step-dad, Crocodile, a few times. He was polite, but he always held a scowl on his face that made him look like he was angry with everyone.

"Now I'm kind of glad my parents go on so many business trips. No accidental walk-ins while I'm with Sabo. And no rules for me to follow while he's over." Koala smiled to herself. You kind of envied that her parents were always gone so she could do whatever she wanted. But at the same time, you were glad Izo was around to make sure you didn't do anything too crazy.

"That's why we have parties at your house. Now, do you guys want to do face masks and our nails before the movie or after?" Nami asked as she opened her bag, showing the different beauty products she had inside.

You all decided to do your face masks and nails before watching the movie. It was a good decision too, you all ended up passing out halfway through the movie.


You woke up to a consistent irritating buzzing noise. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you rolled over on the couch you had spent the night on. Glancing at the coffee table you spotted your phone, there was an all too familiar number lit up on the screen.

"Geez, who's calling so early?"  Nami grumbled from the air mattress on the floor.

"It's Ace." You sighed. You sat up on the couch and grabbed your phone off the coffee table. As soon as you picked it up your phone stopped ringing, only to start ringing again.

"You still have Ace's number?" Koala shot up from her spot next to Nami.

"Who has who's number?" Robin asked as she came walking out of her room. She walked into her kitchen and started up a pot of coffee. She came into the living room and sat next to you.

"It's Ace. And I did delete his number." You replied as you stared at the phone screen, wondering if you should accept his call. It's true you had deleted him off your contact list, but after being friends for so long, you could easily recognize Ace's number.

"So, are you gonna answer?" Koala curiously stared down at your phone.

"He is persistent." Robin said with a slight tone of irrition in her voice. Your phone just kept ringing and ringing.

"Might as well. He probably won't stop otherwise." You sighed and pressed the accept call button. Immediately you were met with Ace yelling at you.

"How could you do this (Y/N)? You're one sick bitch!" Ace shouted through the phone.

"Uh, what are you talking about?" You didn't care that he was calling you names. But you were curious to know what he was accusing you of.

"Don't play dumb. You jumped Bonney last night. She has a black eye and busted lip!" Ace growled.

"You have the wrong person. I was at Robin's last night, in fact I'm still here." You calmly replied. You did not feel like stooping to his level and getting into a pointless argument with him.

"Yeah right. You expect me to believe that." Ace huffed. You could hear shuffling noise coming from Ace's end of the phone. You soon realized it was Bonney when she started whining about her face hurting. "You're gonna pay for this (Y/N). It's an ass move you to try and use Robin as your cover story."

"But she really is here." Robin spoke up.

"I'm here too." Nami added.

"Me too." Koala chimed in.

"Well, uh-"

"Listen here, Ace." Robin cut Ace off, she took your phone out of your hands and calmly spoke to the freckled male. "If I find out that one hair on (Y/N)'s head is out of place because of you. You're a dead man."

"Yeah, and tell Bonney to wipe the fake black eye off." Nami snickered. With that Robin hung up your phone.

"Now let's get started on breakfast." Robin smiled and handed you your phone back. She got up and walked into the kitchen with Nami and Koala.

You were glad to have friends like them, but at the same time you felt slightly sorry for Ace. He just got a threatened by one of the scariest people you know. Sure the boys in your friend group were tough, but Robin was on a different level.

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