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Leaves crunched under your feet as you walked towards the park, a slight skip to your step. You made it to the park five minutes before you were supposed to meet Law. You sat down at a bench closests to the entrance and waited for the male and his dog companion.

"(Y/N)-ya, hey. I hope I didn't keep you waiting." Law said as he came walking up to you with Bepo.

"Not at all, I was a little early actually." You stood up from the bench, your attention being turned to Bepo as he whined for some attention. "It's great to see you Bepo."

You gave the fluffy dog some pats on the head, his tail wagging a mile a minute.

"Bepo-ya really likes you, he doesn't usually warm up to people this quickly." Law had a small smile as he watched the interaction between you and Bepo.

"I'll see that as I'm a really nice person." You chuckled, you gave Bepo one last scratch behind the ear before standing up straight.

"You are." Law mumbled out, you just barely heard but it was enough to make you smile.

"Did you want ice cream still? I know it's a bit chilly out." You asked, it was autumn and there was a chill to the air. It was nice today though, you only needed a sweater to keep you warm.

"The weather is nice, so I'm fine with it." Law nodded, you three ventured farther into the park to find the small ice cream stand. It was a bit of a long walk as neither you or Law actually knew where the ice scream stand was.

"There it is." You pointed out to the small stand, there was a short line in front of it.

"Finally, I almost thought it didn't exist." Law followed you over to the small line up. The line moved quickly, you got (f/f) ice cream in a waffle cine while Law got vanilla ice cream in a regular cone. He explained he didn't like bread or food products similar to bread so Bepo would be getting the cone. Once you guys were done with your ice cream you headed over to the dog area of the park so Bepo could run around and play with the other dogs.

"I forgot to ask, but what movie did you want to see?" Law asked once you two sat down at a nearby bench. After you guys were done at the park, you were going to drop Bepo back off at Law's house then go see a movie.

"I don't actually know what's playing right now." You admitted.

"Heh, neither do I. We can decide on something when we get there." Law said, he glanced over at Bepo to make sure he was doing okay before returning his attention back to you. "If you could be any animal what would you be?"

"What kind of question is that?" You softly chuckled.

"It's a good ice breaker. C'mon answer the question." Law smirked.

"Hmm, maybe a tiger... or a panda? Sharks are pretty cool too." You replied after thinking over the question.

"Two vicious animals and one friendly one, interesting." Law hummed.

"Panadas can be vicious." You playfully growled.

"You're more cute then vicious." Law smirked, his smirk only getting bigger as he watched a blush come to your face.

"W-what animal would you be?" You mumbled out. Your attention being taking away by Bepo for a moment when he brought a stick over, you tossed it for him and watched as he chased after it.

"I'd probably be a cat, they get to sleep all day and don't give a care in the world." Law replied, he tossed the stick this time when Bepo brought it back.

"I think a cat would suit you." You commented, he did always look sleepy because of his dark circles and he didn't pay much attention to his classmates.

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