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"He threatened you. How am I not supposed to be worried?" Law questioned. After your phone call from Ace, Nami texted the group chat about it. Which Law had been added to. Almost immediately, he was texting you and asking if you were alright and if you wanted to come over.

After having breakfast with Robin, Nami, and Koala, you headed over to Law's place. You were currently sitting next to him on his couch, his arm wrapped around your shoulders, and Bepo's head on your lap.

"Yeah, but Ace would never actually hurt a girl. His threats are just threats. I wouldn't put it past Bonney to try something, though." You sighed. You leaned your head against his shoulder and gave Bepo a few scratches behind the ear.

"If she's smart, she won't do anything. This isn't something you need to keep stressing about. So let's go." Law gave your shoulder a squeeze and stood up from the couch.

"Huh? Where are we going?" You asked. You got up from the couch as well.

"They put in a new green house at the park. I figured we could check it out." Law replied. At the mention of the park, Bepo hopped off the couch and was whining and prancing around the door. "Yes, you can come too."

You slipped on your shoes and jacket while Law got Bepo's leash on. There was a light layer of snow on the ground when you stepped outside. It was accompanied by a slight chill in the air. This was about as bad as the winters got, but it still had you stuffing your hands in your pockets.

Law took your hand out of your pocket, his fingers tangling with yours and bringing both your hands into his coat pocket. You smiled, more so at the gesture. Law's hands were always cold, but you didn't mind as you two walked down the street.

"This place is like a sauna." You commented. The greenhouse was full of exotic plants that had to be kept at a certain temperature. It had you unzipping your jacket and tying it around your waist.

"It sure is. Bepo-ya, stop whining, you have to stay on your leash." Law patted Bepo on the head to get him to calm down. Dogs were allowed in the greenhouse as long as they stayed on leash. You two planned on taking him to the dog park after you were done walking around the greenhouse.

"Law, check this out. The leaves on this thing are huge." You said in amazement as you stared at a monstera plant. You had seen plenty in people's houses, but this was by far the biggest one you've seen.

"It's taller than you." Law mused.

"It's taller than you too." You chuckled. The sign next to the plant said that monsteras could get up to ten to fifteen feet tall and that this one was eleven feet tall.

Law took a picture of you next to the monstera. You two walked around the greenhouse, stopping to take pictures of the plants you could use for your project. There was a small coffee stand tucked in between some colourful flowers. You two both grabbed a coffee and a dog biscuit for Bepo that they sold.

"Okay, Bepo-ya, we're taking you to the park now." Law grunted. As soon as you guys stepped out of the greenhouse, Bepo was tugging on his leash in the direction of the dog park.

"We should hurry and get over there before he pulls your arm out of its socket." You chuckled as Bepo let out impatient whines and continued to pull on his leash.

"I need him to calm down a bit first. The vet said he's gonna get much bigger, and I'd hate for him to be pulling on the leash when he's a hundred pounds." Law explained. He stopped walking and told Bepo to sit, the pup listened immediately and sat down. Law gave him a pat on the head and continued walking again.

"You're kidding. He's gonna get bigger? He's already so big." You gasped.

"Yeah, he's a Great Pyrenees. They're big dogs, and Bepo-ya is only six months old." Law replied. You had to give Bepo a once over at that. The fluffy puppy was already so big that you thought he was at least older than a year.

"You are gonna have a big dog on your hands." You commented. You reached the dog park, and Law let Bepo off his leash once you were in the fenced-in area. He took off to play with a husky. You and Law sat down on a bench and watched as Bepo raced around with the husky.

"So, um.."

"Yes?" Law turned his head and focused his eyes on you.

"Well, you know how you told me not to stress about the whole Bonney and Ace thing?"

"It's not bothering you still, is it? I understand if it is." Law placed his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to himself. Despite his hands being cold, you could feel his body heat through his jacket and rested your head against his chest.

"I'm not. Well, I find Bonney more annoying at this point. But anyways, Newgate is throwing his usual start of winter party. Obviously, Ace and Bonney will be there, but I'm going to hang out with Sabo and Luffy. I was wondering if you wanted to come?" You asked. You were startled when Bepo came to a halt in front of you two, shook the snow that was stuck to his fur on both of, and ran off again.

"I swear he did that on purpose." Law chuckled and brushed some of the snow out of your hair. You laughed alongside him and brushed the snow off his jacket before leaning your head back against his chest. "And to answer your question, I'll go to the party with you."

"Perfect. It's next Saturday. Oh, and you can bring your dad as well. Newgate always has a poker game going on for the adults." You added.

"An adults only poker game?" Law raised his eyebrow.

"It's not like that. They just play with real money." You replied.

"Cora-san isn't one for gambling. But it'll be good for him to know other people besides his coworkers." Law commented. You two sat on the bench talking for a little while longer before Bepo came back over. The husky he was playing with had left with it's owner. The only other dogs at the park were small dogs that were clasped tightly in the arms of their owners. Luckily, Law had brought a tennis ball with him. You two tossed the ball around for Bepo until the pup was tuckered out.

You two dropped Bepo back off at Law's house before Law walked you back to yours.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Law leaned down and pecked you on the lips. With Izo watching you two from the living room window, Law didn't want to push any buttons.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow. Text me when you get home." You smiled up at him. You gave him another quick kiss before heading inside.

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