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You shuffled further down the lunch table bench, your sandwich held out of Luffy's reach.

"Luffy you just ate. Go buy something from the cafeteria if you're so hungry." Your words were a little muffled as you hurriedly ate your sandwich.

Luffy pouted as he watched you gobble down your sandwich, his attention soon turned to Sanji and bugging him for his food.

Nobody's food is safe when Luffy is around.

"(Y/N) can I borrow your biology notes?" Koala asked, she was in a different bio class. You guys were on the same subject though, but apparently her teacher wasn't any good so she often copied your notes.

"Law has my notes actually, he missed class. I can give them to you after school though." You replied, Koala agreed to get your notes later as she did have biology until tomorrow.

"Why did Law ask you for your notes? You two don't talk to each other." Ace grumbled slightly.

"Our lockers are right next to each other, it's probably easier for him to ask me then track down somebody else from class." You explained, although you weren't sure why you had to explain.

Who cares who borrows my notes?

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch, uou gathered up your stuff and walked out of the lunch room with Ace.

"You still coming for game night?" Ace nudged his shoulder against yours.

"I never miss game night. I'll see you later." You waved over your shoulder, turning down the opposite hall from him.

You got to class and sat down at a table in the back. You pulled out your text book and pencil case, you scrolled through your phone as you waited for the teacher.

"(Y/N)-ya here's your notebook back." Law handed you your notebook, you thanked him and expected him to find his own table to sit at. When he sat down next to you, you were a bit shocked, he usually sat with his friend Penguin. "By the way your doodles are cute."

You felt your cheeks redden a bit at his comment, you couldn't tell if he was teasing you or being genuine. Your notebook was covered in bunny and cat doodles that explained everything.

"Um, thanks." You mumbled out, Law smirked at you before turning his attention to the front of the class as the teacher walked in.

Law didn't say anything else to you during class, he was focused on what the teacher was saying. You payed attention to class although you did sneak glances at Law every now and then. You had always thought he was good looking from the times you've seen him. Staring at him now you could see just how attractive he was, from the word death tattooed on his hands, his black fluffy hair, yellow eyes staring back at you.

Ah, shit.

You turned your head away so fast that you actually felt a slight pain in your neck. It didn't matter to you, as long as Law couldn't see your blushing face you were good. You did your best to focus on class, your pencil scribbling down what the teacher was saying. Class ended with the teacher handing out homework.

"See you around (Y/N)-ya." Law said goodbye to you before leaving the classroom.

"Uh, yeah, see ya'." You managed to get out although you weren't sure if he heard you. You gathered your stuff and headed off to your next class.

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