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You hummed quietly as you walked with Macho towards the dog park. You've had the bulldog for two months now, and you were happy to say he wasn't so shy anymore. Of course his favorite dog to hangout with was Bepo, so you and Law often went to the dog park together.

Macho got more excited as you two neared the dog park. He let out little snorts and grunts as he tugged you towards the gate.

"Hey, slow down now. Law and Bepo aren't even here yet." You stepped into the fenced in area and let Macho of his leash. Since he couldn't spot Bepo, he followed you as you went to sit on one of the many benches.

You were sat at the bench for a few minutes when Macho let out an excited bark and trotted back towards the gate. Law was walking in with Bepo, he let his pup off his leash and your two dogs went to play around in the field.

"Those two are always entertaining." Law chuckled as he sat down next to you. Bepo and Macho had found a stick and were both holding onto it with their mouths. Macho being a lot shorter than Bepo had opted to walk on his hind legs as they both walked around with the stick.

"They sure are." You laughed when Macho let go of the stick and ended up faceplanting. You went and checked up on your pup who just sprang to his feet and went chasing after Bepo. They soon brought the stick over to you and you tossed it for them.

"They also know how to steal your attention." Law came and stood next to you.

"You get plenty of my attention." You smirked.

Bepo came back with the stick and you tossed it again. Macho didn't care much about actually fetching the stick, he just liked running around with his friend until he got tired.

"That I do." Law smirked back. You two played with your dogs for a few more minutes before they abandoned the stick and went to do something else. You and Law went back to sitting on the bench, you leaning your head on his shoulder as you two talked about your day.

"So what did Izo-ya say?"

"You can come. But only if you can pay for yourself and stay in a separate room." You replied. You and Izo were going on a trip this summer, his friend Ivankov was tagging along so you asked if Law could come.

"Sounds fair. I'm glad I can come." Law smiled.

"Me too." You were excited to go on a trip with Law. You two would be able to go off and do your own thing since Izo would be busy with Ivankov. You're pretty sure those two were more than friends.

You two spent some more time talking about the trip. It wasn't for a few more months, but you wanted to make sure Law would be able to book the same hotel and flight as you.

"Looks like it's time to get going." Law said as Macho came walking up to you two. He let out a grunt and plopped at your feet.

"We can stay longer. Bepo doesn't look like he's tired yet. Besides I brought water and snacks for this guy." You reached into your bag and pulled out a water bottle. You filled the little dish it came with, with water and gave it to Macho.

"You have a backyard. Bepo-ya can play there." Law smirked.

Back at your place you and Law let your dogs out into your backyard. You had a dog house back there with plenty of water in case the two pups got tired. You did leave the back door open a smidge if they did want back in. Macho had taken to nudging the door closed behind himself whenever he came inside.

You and Law rushed up to your room and closed the door behind you both. Law's snaked his hands around your waist and pulled you against his chest. You cupped your hands around his head and pulled him down for a kiss.

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