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You had a giddy smile on your face, your fingers occasionally brushing over your lips as you ignored what your teacher was talking about and instead thinking about the kiss you shared with Law. Nami, who was sitting next to took one look at you and had a knowing gaze on her face, she pretty much knew what the look on your face meant. Her eyes soon settling into a glare as Ace turned around in his chair to face her.

The freckled male had shown up to class late, and the only available desk was in front of you and Nami. His eyes flicked over to you, his face turning into a frown before he gazed back at Nami.

"Psst, Nami I don't know much about social studies. Could I borrow your notes?" Ace kept his voice low so the teacher couldn't hear him.

"Too bad, neither do I. You should ask (Y/N), though, she's pretty smart." Nami smirked at the freckled male. She was completely lying. Sure, you got good grades, but Nami got good grades as well. You could tell she was lying just to get on Ace's nerves, and it was working too. Your ex best friend stared at you for a minute before sitting properly in his seat. You didn't pay much attention to him, he wasn't your friend anymore so you were forcing yourself to stop thinking about what Ace thought, as much as it hurt; his feelings/opinions didn't matter to you anymore.

What you couldn't ignore was you were pretty sure you heard him mumble 'bitch' under his breath. Nami heard it as well she was about to tear him a new one, you placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a firm look. Stooping to his level wouldn't solve anything. Your money loving friend couldn't ignore the tears that pricked at the corner of your eyes. You weren't completely sure if his words were directed at you or Nami, it hurt none the less. Instead, Nami raised her hand and told the teacher you weren't feeling and asked if she could take you to the nurses office. Your teacher gave the okay not really caring what you guys did.

Nami didn't actually take you to the nurses offices, instead she walked you around the halls, telling you about the new clothes she bought. You commented here and there telling Nami about the clothes Izo would suprise you with. Eventually you two came to a stop in front of the school office.

"Usopp is volunteering in the office today, I could get him to call Law to the office for you if you like. That'd make you feel better right?" Nami smiled over at you. You could see Usopp through the glass that separated the office from the hallway, the long nosed male looked absolutely bored.

"It would, but I don't want to cut into Law's class time. He seems pretty studious." You replied, you actually admired how well Law did in class. You got good grades as well, but it was because Izo pushed you to study before he would allow you on any technology.

"True, I'm guessing he gets good grades? Anyways I know you wanted everyone to stay friends with Ace, but after today I don't know if I can do that. Calling me a bitch is one thing, but if he was referring to you he has another thing coming." Nami explained,  she leaned back on the wall waiting for you to say something.

You glanced over at Usopp through the glass partition, he was stressed from being tasked with some daily office tasks. But you couldn't help but feel like it was your fault, like asking your friends to stay friends with Ace wad causing them extra stress.

"Look Nami, when I told everyone to stay friends with Ace I wasn't forcing you guys to. I just meant that what was happening with me and him shouldn't effect your own friendship with him..  I mean that's partly a lie. I want you guys on my side no matter what. But I know Ace is being g tricked right now, I don't want him to be alone when he realizes that." You told your money loving friend. Despite not being friends anymore you still did care for Ace.

"And this is why everyone is on your side (Y/N), you have such a big heart. Ace is being a complete jerk right now, plus Bonney isn't all sunshine and rainbows." Nami wrapped a reassuring arm around your shoulders. She led you away from the office and towards the school parking lot.

"Nami... I appreciate you sticking with me. But you can go back to class if you need to." You took a hold of Nami's arm and unwrapped it from you.

"(Y/N)... can you please just stop. You're nice, you're caring , and you stick up for friends no matter what. But you have a way of pushing your own feelings down, and you need to stop that. Sure, we went to the trampoline park, and Izo pampered you. But if you want to ball your eyes out, yell from the bottom of your lungs, then just do it." Nami pulled you into a hug. Because of Nami's money loving nature, most people thought she didn't care much about friendship. They were dead wrong, though she probably cared just as much as you did.

"Thanks, Nami." You shoulders shook a bit, but no tears fell frome your eyes. The situation Ace was in was his own problem, you couldn't help him if he didn't want your help. Therefore, you wouldn't cry anymore, it sucked, but Ace needed to learn for himself what was happening.

"No need to thank me, I'm just doing what any friend would do. Anyways I have a copy of Nojiko's keys so let's go set in her car until class is over."Nami led you over to her older sister's car.

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