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You felt a little bad for Eustass Kid when you saw him at school. One of his eyes was swollen shut, his lip was busted, and he walked with a slight limp. The Newgate brothers gave him one hell of a beating. Kid didn't strike you as someone who would be in a relationship with a girl that was already seeing someone, he always seemed possessive of the girls he would date. Which made you think Bonney told him things were over between her and Ace just so she could get with the red head.

Classes dragged on, you a pop quiz in math which no one was happy about. You were a little excited when lunch rolled around. Since Law didn't like bread, you liked making him a lunch every now and then. It wasn't hard making something that didn't use bread, but you typically just brought a sandwich for lunch, so in a way you were also making yourself something more tasty for lunch.

You made your way into the lunch room and found Luffy already sitting at a table, stuffing his face full of food. You walked over to the table and sat down, you kept your's and Law's lunch in your bag until your boyfriend got here. If you took them out now Luffy would surely find some way to eat them. "Hey Luffy."

Luffy looked up from his food, smiled at you, and went back to eating. You two were soon joined by Law and Usopp. You pulled out the lunch you made for your boyfriend and placed it in front of him. He smiled at you before opening the container up.

"That looks good." Usopp commented as he stared at the lunch you made Law. It consisted of a small salad, three rice balls, spaghetti carbonara that you and Izo had for supper last night, and a chocolate chip brownie you made.

"Thanks (Y/N)-ya, this looks delicious." Law moved the lunch you made for him out of the way just as Luffy reached for it. You chuckled and pulled out a pack of gummy worms from your bag and gave them to Luffy. He almost forgot to open the package before eating the candy.

"Well I know the spaghetti tastes good. I'm not sure about everything else." You playfully warmed. You took out your own lunch which was the same as Law's except for the rice balls.

"What's this? Dainty rice balls and homemade baked goods. Not fair. I want a homemade lunch from a cute girl." Sanji whined when he saw Law's lunch.

"No girl would make you lunch when they see you crying like this." Zoro smirked as he came over and sat down at the table.

"I am not crying you moss. I'm just pointing out the fair injustices of this world."

"Will you two stop arguing." Nami huffed as she sat down next to you. Sanji immediately stopped whatever else he was going to say to Zoro and started fawning over your orange haired friend.

"This is really good (Y/N)-ya." Law smiled down at you after he finished a bite of the spaghetti. You smiled back, glad that once again he liked the lunch you made him.

"Dude, you look terrible." Zoro said to Sabo who just sat down. The blond's hair looked like it could use a good brushing and he had dark circles that could compete with Law's.

"Thanks. I actually feel pretty well rested today." Sabo yawned and fished through his bag for his lunch.

"Trouble sleeping?" You asked while pushing your half eaten lunch towards Luffy. It was good but you had packed too much for yourself.

"Bonney has been stopping by our house ever since the party." Luffy spoke over a mouthful of food.

"Ace has no interest in talking or seeing her. So she just stays outside knocking on the door all day long and into the night." Sabo elaborated.

"Why don't you guys call the cops?" Nami asked.

"We did once. But she left before the cops got there. Not to worry though Marco dealt with her last night." Sabo stifled a yawn. A smile coming to his face when Koala sat down next to him. You said hello to your friend and waited for Sabo to continue on with his story. "Anyways none of us were getting any sleep thanks to Bonney's constant knocking. Especially Marco since he has to wake up early to teach junior high kids. So he hooked up the house to the kitchen sink, opened the front door, and hosed Bonney down."

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