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Nami picked you up for school the next day, the money lover stopping at coffee shop and buying you both a coffee.

"I won't add this to your debt since you're having a tough time right now." Nami smiled at you, you gulped at the mention of your debt, but thanked her none the less for the coffee.

"So what's the game plan for today?" Nami asked you.

"Game plan?"

"Yeah, you sit with Ace in you share with him and we eat lunch with him. So what's the plan? How are you gonna avoid him?" Nami explained, she pulled into the school parking lot searching for a spot.

"Well I'll just sit somewhere else in class, I don't think Ace would sit next to me anyways. As for lunch... I don't really care if he sits with, I mean it's not like I have to talk to him." You sheepishly smiled.

"True, you can just talk with us instead of him. And if you want us to make him leave just say so." Nami reassured you, she parked her car and you both hopped out.

"Thanks, I'm sure things will be fine just awkward." You said while walking with her into the school, you two parted ways as her locker was in the opposite direction from yours.

"Good morning (Y/N)-ya." Law greeted you when you got to your locker. He was at his filling his bag with textbooks.

"Morning Law, how are you?" You asked while grabbing your own textbooks.

"I'm good, you? We still on our date for this weekend?" Law questioned.

So it is a date.

"I'm good and yeah I'm looking forward to our date." You smiled, the bell rang before you could say  anything more. You two said your goodbyes and headed off to your separate classes.

You sat in the back of the classroom away from your's and Ace's usual spot, said male came into the classroom and sat down at his usual spot. When Zoro came strolling into the room, Ace waved him over. The moss head stared between you and Ace before deciding to plop himself down in the empty desk next to you. You received a glare from the freckled male.

"You could have sat next to him." You whispered to Zoro.

"I know. I'm still mad at what he did to you though. Plus I wanted to see how your doing." Zoro ruffled your hair.

"I won't lie, I feel hurt." You let out a sigh as you fixed your sigh. You knew there was no point in the moss head, while everyone thought he was silently brooding, he was actually paying careful attention to his friends; he cared more then he let on. "But I have some pretty awesome friends that make me feel great."

"You sure do. Want some?" Zoro smirked as he pulled a flask from his backpack. You accepted the flask from him and took quite a large gulp in your haste to make sure you weren't caught by the teacher that could walk in at any moment. You handed the flask back to Zoro, he took a long sip for himself before putting it back in his bag.

Classes went on as normal with the exception of you finding a new desk to sit at. Lunch was a different story, there was a tension at the lunch table when Ace sat with you guys it only got worse when Bonney joined. You weren't ecstatic to say the least, especially since Bonney was there, but you did want everyone to stay friends with Ace so you didn't pay any attention to the couple. What you weren't expecting was your friends treatment to the pink haired girl, when they said Bonney was dead to them you didn't think that meant they'd completely faze her out. Each time she tried to speak someone would speak louder over top of her and everyone ignored her when she tried to ask them something. Even Sanji ignored her, something you thought impossible for the blond.

Ace soon caught onto what was going on and left the table with Bonney. You thought he would have been more confrontational about the situation, but he probably realized he'd get his ass handed to him by Sabo, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp if he tried anything.

"I thought they'd never leave." Nami sighed.

"You guys could have talked to Bonney. That was awkward." You mumbled out.

"She's the bad guy. We don't talk to bad guys." Luffy said over a mouthful of food, you couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"Besides we never said anything about being nice to Bonney." Usopp pointed out.

"Fine, you guys win. Now can someone explain to me what the principle was wearing?" You changed the subject. Ideas were tossed around about the principle questionable fashion choices until the bell rang.

You were happy to find the seat next to Law empty when you got to biology class, the male greeting you with a small smile as you sat down next to him.

"Wanna be my partner?"


Law pointed to the front of the class where written on the white board was instructions to pick out a partner for a project that was going to be assigned.

"Yeah I'd like that." You replied.

I get to be his partner for a class project and go on a date with him. This is a total win.

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