Bites that show Love to You

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I guess Vampire Dream AU???????
Don't have much plans for this oneshot book-
Kinda just rolled with :/

ALSO: vampires in this AU don't die in the sun. They can stay under sunlight for a limited amount of time. It would depend on the specie


3rd POV
Tick tick tick tick tick tick SMASH *insert glass shattering*

Technoblade growled in annoyance. "Techno, why did you break our clock.. again?" Philza asked, face palming.

It was a normal day. Phil was making breakfast, Wilbur was asleep, and well.. Techno was.. just there. Sometimes he would be out for a walk, or hunting, other times he would just chill at home.

As Phil flipped a pancake, footsteps were heard walking down the stairs. "Morninggg.." the voice said deeply. It made sense, they had just woken up.

"Morning Will." Techno and Philza greeted in sync.

"What you up to?"

"I'm making breakfast; pancakes. Techno however, just broke the clock again."

The was a silence that made its way into the room.

"Great. Now we gotta get a new one." Wilbur groaned in annoyance.

Philza hummed.

"Why did you break it?"


Techno stood up, sighing. "I don't have to tell you." He then walked away.

"Odd." Wilbur shrugged.


Techno sighed. He was lying on his bed. Contemplating life (as we all do).

He felt like resting, but, Life had other plans.

"FOOD'S OUT!" He heard Phil shout.

Techno grumbled as he walked again downstairs. He put on his boots and waved goodbye. He had to go hunting. That was mainly his job. Mainly.

As soon as he stepped out of the house, the hot, humid air rushed at him. It didn't really bother him, but it sure was different. Normally, it would be cooler, but oh well. 

Techno made his way into the forest, wary of the dangers. There could be wolves, hunters and most importantly, vampires. As he was walking, he heard a twig snap. Whipping his head around, he was met with.. nothing. 

He tried to shrug it off, but he couldn't shake the feeling of a chilling stare watching his every move. As he continued deeper in the forest, the chilling stare continued. 


Dream POV
Honestly, I didn't know what I was doing. I think I smelt a delicious scent from the forest, and I just followed it. It smelled so good. Strangely good. Normally, blood doesn't smell this nice. Perhaps this fellow person was special in some way? I don't really know. All I know is that I want to try their blood. 

The person I followed looked like a woman because of their long, rose coloured hair that was in a loose plait, however, his body shape made them seem like a man. As I took another glace, I could tell it was a man. He had a sharp jawline. 

He was wearing a white blouse that was neatly tucked in, with black pants. He had a blood red cape and brown combat boots.

He also had a crown, that was glittering under the sunlight, on his head. 

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