Luring Voice I Fell For

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requested by Lqv_Kuromiii <3

basically Dream is a siren prince bc why not
Techno is a prince bc I love prince Techno

Dream as a siren uses his voice to lure people towards the sea so he can feed on them

He is already a well known criminal ig

dnf (kinda) at the start

bc ✨drama✨

3rd POV - Dream
Dream swam towards his room, going up the spiral hallway that lead to his room. He was excited, as today was his and George's 2nd year anniversary, and he wanted it to be special. So, he was bringing up a bunch of flowers to gift to George, before taking him on a date.

It would be so romantic.

So perfect.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he was, and the more faster he swam up.

Once he was in front of his door, he took a deep breath. His hand hovered over the handle, and was about to grab it, but he heard voices. George's, and..

who's that person's voice?

and why does it sound so damn familiar?

oh shit.

xxxxx (imagine that as anyone idrc)

Dream opened the door a crack, and peeked in. He saw the two full on making out. And in his bedroom too.

"When are you gonna leave him?" xxxxx asked.

"Soon. Maybe like, a month or so from now?" George replied, before leaning in for another kiss.

Dream closed the door, tears streaming down his face. Oh how dumb he was. How did he only notice it now? 2 years into their relationship only to find out his partner was cheating on him.

Dream sniffed, wiping his tears even though they already mixed with the sea water, before swimming back down.

He needed to get away.


3rd POV - Techno
Being a prince is tiring, especially if he is pressured to get a partner. His parents want to crown him King soon, so he is in need of a partner. However, Techno doesn't exactly want a partner, but King Phil, his father, is keen on getting him someone.

It doesn't matter what gender, King Phil doesn't care, he just wants Techno to have a partner.

Techno already has a bunch of fans, so he could just choose one, but... nah-

Instead of meeting new people like he was told to do, he decided he felt like sparring. Except if he did, his father will probably find him at some point because of servants and stuff.

So what else could he do?


He could go tell Phil he dEfiNiTeLy socialised, and asks if he can just go out and have fun!


Phil won't suspect a single thing.


There he was, sitting on his bed, getting scolded by his father, while his older brother Wilbur was laughing with his younger brother Tommy, and the maids and servants had a face of empathy/sympathy (idk the difference am literally so stupid).

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