A day with the Experiments

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request/idea by TechnoIsASimp2


techno and dream are childhood friends

techno distanced himself bc of voices

then they distanced yk

and then techno is captured bc yea

and then dream becomes a scientist or smth??

and then

yeah 👍

narrotor words !!
Dream and Techno were such great friends.

The best friends in fact.

They did everything together.

Except, when something happened.

Techno doesn't know why, but he keeps hearing voices in the back of his head, giving him countless headaches, and also, he can't concentrate.

It got so annoying that Techno couldn't even hang out with Dream for 10 minutes without having to come up with an excuse to leave or excusing himself for a bit.

Because of that, he started to reject Dream when he offered to go out, but still went to some. He was just a lot more quiet, closed off, and distracted.

Dream thought Techno just suddenly hated him.

Had he done something wrong?

Dream felt panicked when he thought about it.

Did Techno get sick of him?

He didn't know, but Techno changed. He keeps on leaving, rejecting when Dream wants to go out. He keeps silently snapping, yelling, hushing at someone under his breath at and acting very annoyed at someone/something.

Was it him?

He didn't know.

So, as the boys drifted further apart, they finally split off. Dream said he was going to study some science, and Techno wanted to study computer science.

Dream did what he wanted, and ended up graduating with a science degree.

Techno however, wasn't so .. lucky.

Apparently, the voices at the back of his head influenced him, and he is now forever bloodthirsty. He's been captured, even though he's already killed around 50 of those guards when they first attacked him.

He's now been experimented with, the scientists unsure of why he's so bloodthirsty.

The scientists caused him to have piglin features, and a few forms.

He wasn't happy there.

The scientists treated him like shit. It wasn't fun.

He was so done. He's broken out a few times. That was fun. He's killed people. That was fun.

narrotor done - present now !!

3rd POV
Dream had received an envelope that told him he'd be working with new experiments, especially since his last experiment was so good with him. It's like he's been blessed with the power of.. not dying.

Many think it's a miracle, others believe it was luck, and some believe he's just different.

He had to now go work with Experiment 1043. Apparently, he had brutally murdered his last scientists with a hair comb.

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