Left Out

679 27 26

dreamteam are livestreaming together and dream feels left out

what will he do?

btw they haven't met up yet, dream hasn't face revealed yet

Dream POV
It started off normally, George started his stream.

I watched as the page read "stream starting soon", (idk what it looks like bc he always fucking streams when I can't watch it). When he started, Sapnap, him and I introduced what we were doing and we started.

"Hi everyone!" George waved.

"Hiiiiii!" Sapnap said

"Hi guys!" I said as well, smiling, even though no one could see me.

"Today we have an interesting challenge," Sapnap started.

"In Minecraft, our challenge today is that damage is doubled. So if, I don't know, a skeleton hits me, then I get double the usual damage. However, our damage is normal, as in, if we hit that skeleton, it's normal damage to him. Soooooo, enjoy, I guess!"

"Let's gooooo!" I shouted.


I was wandering around a village, trying to find some food. I had no clue where Sapnap or George went, but I knew there were being stupid. They were just arguing with each other through discord, and I don't know why, or what the argument is about. They're just shouting. I kinda tuned them out not gonna lie, it's also legit George's stream, so they have to watch them being stupid.

I'm filming though, because George is probably gonna make a video on this and add me and Sapnap's perspective.

They were just having fun, joking around and stuff, and I'm here just trying to beat the game.

At some point, I had enough, and just went afk. I was muted anyways because I had nothing to contribute, especially since they were just talking to each other.

I really had nothing to do, I kinda just left this afternoon for George's video. Who else could I talk to?

I scrolled down my list of contacts, skimming through every name, until one caught my eye.



Ever since the 1v1 duo for MrBeast's channel, we've been mutuals. Well, more leaning on the friends side.

He's also so hot.




I clicked onto the contact.

Dreamie Boi
hi techno! im kinda bored
wanna do something?

I thought you had something
this afternoon?

Dreamie Boi
yea kinda ig
but, idk, it's not rlly going
according to plan sooo yea
am kinda bored

Oh, alright.
What do you wanna do?

Dreamie Boi

How about
Some Hypixel?

Dreamie Boi
lemme do smth rq


I sighed, smiling, but also not really. I don't even know anymore. I mean, I love George and Sapnap, they're my best friends. It could just be a little dent, I guess. But I'm really drawn to playing with Techno.

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