Competitors to Lovers

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requested/idea by Simpspuppet

so basically

dream and techno are in college, uni whatever and they are the top students

they're always competing with each other one way or another

but what if the teacher suddenly has to go, and leaves the two in charge?

btw thanks to the ppl who gave ideas/requests :)

also they're just humans

Dream POV
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck



I got a 98 on my english assignment, but Techno got full marks..

well at least that's what he said to Skeppy, when I was definitely not listening, ahaha


what the hell did I do wrong




"Hey Dreamie boy~ what'd you get on your english assignment?" he asked. I could hear his pride bouncing off of him.

"U-uhm, great you know? How 'bout you?" Fuck I ruined it with the stutter, didn't I?


"I got full marks, you know, nothin' much. Just the usual." He smirked.

"That's g-great! Ahaha.?"

"Dreamie, why you stuttering, huh?"

"Ju-just really cold in here..!" I try to laugh it off, but I don't think it really works with my layers and layers of clothes on.

"Oh really? So you wouldn't mind showing me your results?"

"Actually, I- uhm have to go, see you!"

I shoved everything into my bag and escaped the room with him and his prideful smirk.


I ended up in the library, humming to myself while looking for a new book to read.

I ended up finding a book with an interesting blurb, but as I was reading it, I felt someone just peering over my shoulder.

I turned my head and saw Techno.

I blushed.

"Uhm, what are you doing?" I asked him.

"Can I see that?"

"What, this?"

"No, your nipples- OF COURSE THAT, what else?" He rolled his eyes.

I felt my face burning up at that comment.

I gave the book to him, and he read the blurb as well.

"I think I'll go borrow this." He said, slighting smiling.

At least it's not his smirk.

"Hey- wait! I was gonna get that!"

"Oh? And what you gonna do 'bout that?"

I dived into him and tackled him over, but somehow he ended up on top me, pulling my hoodie towards him.

"It doesn't work like that Smiles~" he said in a deeper voice than before.

I blushed, looking away to try and hide it.

"Look at me." He said.

I don't t know why, but I followed his command. I stared right into his ruby coloured eyes, sparkling with hints of competitiveness.

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