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Author's note: this idea was not originally mine, I saw it on the TikTok of s.s.chaos, who is awesome! Go check them out! And I know that this isn't canonically accurate to either servers' storylines but this was an idea I just had to write. I'm a big fan of both servers so this was just something perfect for me to nerd out on. I apologize in advance for the crap this is. Anyways enjoy! Also it's Wilbur POV

"It was never meant to be," I say to my father, who is standing right next to me. With that I push the button that will destroy myself and my great unfinished symphony. I turn to see this inescapable thing, if someone was going to do it eventually I wanted it to be me. As I see everything start to explode around me it's kind of poetic, something big and great being brought down by its own creator. I chuckle seeing the shock on all the soldiers' faces, they couldn't believe what I had just done. They should have known nothing was too low for me, Wilbur Soot.

It's done, I think. I finally did it. The beautiful city I had built for my son was gone, imagine what Sally would say if she saw it. The walls which had survived for so long, through wars, elections, capturing, were brought down by the man who had built them.

I see my L'manburg, my beautiful L'manburg destroyed. I feel no guilt, ever since they decided on this entire 'democracy' thing with JSchlatt everything has just gone down into shambles. I should have just decided to be their king, I think. But it was too late, destruction had already ensued.

I look at Philza, my father, he's completely speechless. "Do it father, Phil," I find myself saying. "Just kill me, do it." "No Wilbur," he said seriously. "You're my son, I won't."
I decided I just needed to scream, the frustration I was feeling with him was indescribable. How could he ever call himself a good father? Was he the reason I was like this? Was I destined to end up just like him, a geezer with no reason to live or love? With that I just scream, "JUST DO IT," I yell. "They all want you to do it!" I say, pointing at all the people watching us. I give him my sword and say, "Please, just do it."

Phil took the sword, looked at everyone watching us, and then looked at me. Are you sure?" He asked. Who was he to question my last request? I wished he could just end me, and like he could read my mind, he spoke."I'm sorry," he said, gripping the handle of my sword. I close my eyes, I don't want to see the inevitable occur.

As he swings the sword it's kind of relieving, I feel as if an angel has just lifted me beyond this world. I feel the light afternoon breeze float by. All my pain is gone, I feel just perfect.


I hear a strange noise above me, is it god? I wonder. It sounds like a voice, a human one, maybe male? I wonder if it's Tommy, but why would he be helping me after I blew up L'manburg? Also, I'm sure that my father killed me, so how am I even hearing someone?
"Hello?" The disembodied voice whispered. "Are you.. alive?" They sounded quite nervous.
I opened my eyes, surprised to hear an accent just like mine.

The person jumps back, he had brunette hair and jet black eyes, two pixels, just like mine. He's wearing a red shirt and grey pants, definitely a male (I think).

"Um," the man says nervously. "Who are you? How are you here?"
I immediately know what to say to make him fear me. "Well I'm the founder of L'manburg! The one who blew it up!" I say arrogantly. I was also quite proud of my actions, I felt kind of bad though, too.

"I have no idea what or where 'L'manburg' is," the man said, air quoting when he said L'manburg. He seemed to have a lot of confusion in his eyes. "This is Boatem Village, shopping district of Hermitcraft!" He seemed to be quite proud of this 'Boatem' place.

My confusion was really growing, I'd never even heard of Hermitcraft or Boatem Village! What in the world even was a shopping district?!

"I-I'm s-sorry, wh-what?!" I stutter. "Is this some trick that Quackity is playing on me? Am I drunk in Las Nevadas somewhere?" That had to be it, he was playing some big trick on me, right?
The man looks at me, almost as confused as I am. "I'm sorry, I've never heard of Las Nevadas, or Quackity, I'm sorry..."

He didn't know who Quackity was! That was truly strange, maybe he had joined the server early with Dream, lost his first two lives, and then gone to live in seclusion? I didn't know, but I also didn't want to try and make excuses for whoever or whatever this was.

I look around trying to perceive where I am, I seem to be in some sort of village. There were a bunch of houses around me, most notably a flying ship, a giant tree monster holding a van, and luckily one normal looking house with quite beautiful features. Strangest of all is that right in front of me, over a giant hole, was a bunch of boats on top of a crafting table! Yep, I'm definitely drunk in Las Nevadas.

I got up and looked down the hole, hoping that a bit of fear would snap me right out of my drunken state, but as I looked down all I saw was darkness. No bedrock! How was that possible? Someone could lose their life by jumping there! They could easily commit suicide! But then again, what I had done back at L'manburg was basically assisted suicide.

"Looking at the Boatem Hole?" The man asked innocuously. "Don't worry, if you jump in we have a system that brings you to safety, unscathed." He looked around at the village to see if anyone was watching. "Probably not the best time to demonstrate though," he said with a nervous little laugh. It was cute, it reminded me of Fundy in a way.

Wait! Maybe this was Fundy! He was a citizen of Las Nevadas too! "My son!" I yelped, tackling him to the ground in a big hug. "I'm so sorry..." I started bawling my eyes out. "Your mother would be so proud of you my champion!"

Fundy just laid there, shocked. "I'm so, so, sorry," he said, now crying himself. "I'm not your son, you're not in Las Nevadas, but you're not alone, I promise." So... it wasn't Fundy, and I made a random stranger cry, so much for first impressions.

Wait... if I'm not in Las Nevadas where am I? Am I in Kinoko Kingdom? Did I get captured by someone? Most importantly, wasn't I dead? Maybe this was DreamXD, but there was no way I was in heaven after blowing up L'manburg. Was this hell, and this was a demon torturing me? Was he taking the form of the people in my life, and was that why his eyes looked just like mine? You could say his red shirt was an allusion to Tommy, and his hair would be a combination of my brown and the blond of the rest of my family!

"So who are you?" The man said, he looked both curious but also very cautious after the last thing he said to me. Perhaps this part of the demon was trying to imitate my son, that was exactly how he acted!
"I'm Wilbur," I said. "Wilbur Soot, son of Philza." I felt a pang of guilt as I mentioned my father, I now quite regretted my final words to him being words of hate, death, and betrayal.

The man gave me an odd look, did he not know me or my father? Maybe he knew my son Fundy, or maybe one of my brothers, Tommy, Techno, or Tubbo.

"You know," I said. "Father of Fundy and brother of Tommy, Technoblade, and Tubbo." Yet again I felt guilty at the mention of my brothers and son, but did they really care about me? Maybe Tommy did, maybe Fundy. But I just had no way of knowing. I wish I could have said goodbye, I thought.

"I'm sorry," he said, with guilt and tears and sadness pouring out of his face, but I didn't want his sympathy. "I have no idea who in the world those people are."

So he didn't even know of my immortal brother, the crazy disc brother, the adopted bee boy brother, and my angel of death father! Was this guy just crazy? Was I crazy? Was he just living under a rock? I didn't know, I just had so many questions.

Then I knew exactly what to ask, one question that would get me exactly the answer I needed.

"So where exactly on the SMP are we?" I asked, trying to be cheery. "How far are we from L'manburg, Kinoko Kingdom?"
"Hermitcraft isn't an SMP," he said with a strange glimmer in his eyes. "We just build our mega-bases, build tons of shops, and have some wars."
Strange, he's acting like we weren't on the SMP, where we also had wars. Although we never built mega-bases or had shops and stuff.
I had a realization, maybe we were by the farlands!

"Who are you?" I asked. "Where am I? By the farlands?" I just wasn't sure anymore.
"I'm Grian," the man said. "And you're in Boatem, on the Hermitcraft server, nowhere near the farlands."

Then it hit me, I wasn't on the Dream SMP anymore. I was in another world.

Afterlife (a DreamSMP and Hermitcraft story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora