Boatem Incorporated

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So this was a meeting for some sort of... corporation, weird. I could tell I was definitely missing out on something here.

Mumbo cleared his throat, "So yeah," he said awkwardly. "Wilbur, I'd like you to meet Scar, Impulse, and Pearl," gesturing to them one by one.

So the girl I had met was named Pearl, and the man with the big top hat was the one and only Scar. Pearl seemed to still be annoyed with me, but Scar seemed to be quite interested. Impulse seemed to just be bored.

I chuckled nervously, not knowing what to say. I tried to seem happy, so cheerfully I said, "I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!"

Pearl looked at me with a face that was a cross between disappointment and anger. I gulped, she looked scary, and I didn't want to make her hate me.

"Well that's really it!" Mumbo said, noticing the tension between Pearl and I. "Thank you all for coming," with that he got up and flew away.

Seriously? That was all that was for? To introduce me? I thought that was going to be some crazy big deal, but he had really disappointed me. I got up and started to walk over to Grian, but to get to him I had to go past Pearl.

As I walked towards her I tried to keep a straight face, no emotions from me. When I walked past her everything seemed to be fine, but then she reached out and grabbed my wrist. I stopped suddenly, too shocked and surprised to even speak.

The way her grip felt, it was almost one of reliability, like she had gone through this too. I turned to look at her, almost blushing at the compassionate gesture.

She looked at me with newfound sympathy, completely different from how she had just been. "L-look," she said. "I'm s-sorry for me being so coldhearted, I just didn't get the right first impression from you..."

I smiled warmly. "It's really not your fault, it's more mine," I said with a chuckle. "Pretending to be an armor stand is a weird way to introduce yourself, I'll bet I gave you the strangest vibes." She looked at me and burst into laughter. I joined her in her laughing, it was good to see that we could get over the past.

"You really did give me weird vibes!" She said. "When I first saw you for a moment I thought you were Scar!"

Interesting, she was comparing me to Scar, who I had previously been warned from speaking to. Did that mean Scar was broken and unstable, just like me? Did Grian just think we would get in a lot of trouble together? Maybe Pearl just thought that we were both strange? I didn't know what the answer was.

Looking at her I realized something. Pearl almost seemed to be a combination of Tubbo and Niki Nihachu, her personality and tone of voice were so similar, it was uncanny. Their love of nature and kind demeanor, and so many other things just flooded into my mind. Now I realized how much I missed both of them. Knowing them, they probably missed me too.

Looking next to her, I realized Grian was gone, and we were alone. Since I didn't want to make this awkward I decided to learn more about her.

"So Pearl, tell me about yourself," I said.

"Well I'm a female, I like flowers and bees," (Just like Tubbo, I thought.) "this is my first season on Hermitcraft-"

"-Wait, first season? What does that mean?" I asked curiously.

"Every once in a while Hermitcraft resets, new Hermits join, and we all start over again. This is the eighth reset, the eighth season of Hermitcraft, and I was invited this time, along with GeminiTay," she explained.

"Who's GeminiTay?" I asked. "I haven't heard of them or met them yet."

"She lives somewhere else on Hermitcraft, I'm not sure exactly where though."

Huh, I hadn't realized there were more people on Hermitcraft. It should have been obvious, but I really hadn't thought about it.

Pearl smiled at me. "Maybe one day I can take you on a tour of the the entire Hermitcraft island."

I laughed. "First I should probably see all of Boatem before exploring everywhere."

"Well," she said. "I'll start by showing you my home." She grabbed my hand and launched us into the air.

Grian POV

I launch into the air with my elytra, leaving Pearl and Wilbur alone. It's good to see that Wilbur and Pearl are putting aside their differences and becoming friends. They don't notice that I left. I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of the instant friendship between them.

I landed in front of my house and entered. I checked on the Tegg, it was still safe in its hiding spot. I headed downstairs toward where Wilbur was staying, but I went past his room. I arrived at the end of the hallway, where I had installed an iron door with a password lock. Mumbo wasn't the only one good at redstone.

I inserted my paper with the password into a dropper, and a few seconds later the door opened like magic. But it wasn't magic, it was redstone.

Upon entry I took the slip of paper with the password on it out of a chest that it was conveniently put in. In the middle of the room I had an obsidian pedestal with an object sitting on top of it. On my back wall I had a bunch of item frames with books stored inside of them.

I took a book down and wrote down everything that had happened with Wilbur, everything he had said, everything he had explained, and everything he had done. He had to be connected to this big mystery of mine, it couldn't be a coincidence that he just showed up now.

After writing it all down, some in a summary and some in great detail, I returned it to the frame. I walked towards the pedestal, observing and admiring the object sitting upon it. It was the Tegg, but not the Tegg, it was confusing. The other Tegg was the 'Tag Egg', this was the 'Twin Egg'.

It was a second dragon egg

Author's note: Just so you know, I'm adding another Dream SMP character soon! I'm not going to say who it is, because it'll give a lot away to the lore, so try to guess! One thing I'll say is that they'll have a very interesting dynamic with Wilbur!

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