Exploration and Exile

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Mumbo Jumbo POV

"Mumbo," Grian said, concerned. "What makes you think that?"

I sigh. "It's not a coincidence, Grian. With Wilbur and that other man showing up, and now suddenly the world is breaking. I don't know how all of this started, but they have something to do with it. The moon isn't naturally growing bigger, it's something from out of this world..."

Grian let out a little chuckle, but he was trying to suppress it. "Sorry," he said apologetically. "Just, out of this world, moon, and space jokes."

I sigh, that sounds like some corny joke Scar would make or something. I stare off into the distance, out of the observatory, looking at the moon. In the shadows of the moon I can see a silhouette flying away, and on top of that a figure standing on my mountain, calling to them. The ground shook, the tremors continuing. I turn back to Grian, about to open my mouth to speak. Then I hear it, an ear piercing shriek, right from down by the Boatem Pole.

Grian blinks, confused. "Who was that, Mumbo?"

I shrug. "It must have been Scar or Impulse, Wilbur has the same accent as ours and Pearl has a completely different one."

Grian thought for a moment, pondering my thinking. "You know what Mumbo, somehow you're right, even if you're not a potato man anymore."

I groan. I had indeed changed out of my potato man suit, in favor for my suit again. I was getting quite noticeable eye bags under my eyes, everybody was. Even Pearl, who had a pair of really cute pajamas on.

"Well let's go check it out," Grian said impatiently. He sprinted out of the observatory, gliding away, and I followed him.

We landed by the Boatem Pole, no longer seeing anyone there. We looked at each other, confused. Where was that scream coming from?

Then a bit away I see Scar, leading a man away towards his house. "Scar!" I call. "Wait up!" He doesn't hear me.

We start sprinting after him, going to his starter base, hoping to catch up to him. As we do we hear a call behind us. "Mumbo! Grian! Wait!" We turn around, only to see Wilbur standing there, panting.

"Hey guys," he said with a little wave, his hands on his knees. "I'd be careful if I were you."

Wilbur POV

"Pearl!" I call. "Come back! Please!" She ignores me, flying away into the distance. Then I hear a shriek, an ear-piercing one, no less.

I look down off of the mountain for the source, only to see Schlatt, respawned by the Boatem Pole. A figure slowly approached him... and I think it's Scar!

I should go warn him, I think. But a part of me wants to stay out of it and see what happens. Schlatt is probably pissed at me anyways. Besides, there's something about Scar that could change Schlatt for the better. He's the fun and funky friend he needs.

Scar seemed to lead Schlatt off into his starter base, as his mega base was far from completion. Behind them two more figures landed behind them, landing gracefully. No surprise, it was Grian and Mumbo. Notably, Mumbo was out of the entire Potato Man getup and was now sporting a suit.

"Scar! Wait up!" Mumbo called. They started running after him, lagging just a bit behind. I run after them and call out to them, "Mumbo! Grian! Wait!" They turned around to face me, I was panting exhaustedly. Why can't my life just be normal?

"Hey guys," I said, waving a bit. "I'd be careful if I were you."

"Uh, hey, Wilbur.." Grian said awkwardly and nervously. "What do you mean 'be careful'? We were just going to talk to Scar."

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