Emergency Meeting

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"Done!" I say to myself, as I finish the details in my new room. I had moved the bed over to to middle of the wall, and had moved the crafting table along with it. I had also rearranged the chests and painting as well as moved a few pieces of blackstone to suit my style, I didn't care what Grian thought of it. Luckily Grian had left some basic tools in the chest, so I had used those, and now I had a few things on me.

My L'manburg flag was hanging on the wall above the bed. It felt kind of ironic that I had hung it up, as I had blown up L'manburg, which had resulted in my father killing me, which in turn brought me here. So who's fault was all of this? Mine, probably.

"Hey Wilbur!" I hear a voice in the doorway say. I turn around, it's just Grian speaking. He and Mumbo were standing there, seeming to be waiting for me. "I've caught Mumbo up on everything that's happened so far, and we were wondering if you'd like to come to a meeting with us." A meeting, hmm, what could that be for? I wondered.

Grian was looking around, he saw all the things I had moved and gave a silent nod of approval, that surprised me, because I thought I sucked at building. Maybe he was just way better than all the people on the SMP, and saw my work for the beauty it really holds.

There was no harm in going, though, I'd probably get to meet some new people! Instead of just keeping my question in my head, I decided to ask Mumbo. As we were walking up the stairs I harmlessly asked him, "So what's this meeting for?" "He smirked, "Now that's something that you're just going to have to figure out for yourself." I groaned, I really wanted to know what this was for.

Grian chuckled. "I'll tell you something Wilbur, you'll be meeting some new people." Finally! I didn't decide to blow up my country and die to be cramped up in some dingy little shack! (No offense to Grian though, his house was not a shack, and I would never say that out loud.) I sighed, "Good enough for me, I guess..."


PearlescentMoon POV

I sat at my seat in our meeting spot, our CEO Mumbo Jumbo had called for an emergency meeting. As I looked up out of the Boatem Hole I could see Grian's house, With its beautiful architecture, at least to me. It was where I had encountered that strange man. He seemed strange, but from what Grian had told me about him he just seemed... not right. Grian had told me his name was Wilbur, or something like that. There was something off about him, but I just couldn't place it.

I looked to my right only to see Scar coming in. "Hey Pearl!" He said cheerfully. "Care to buy one of my crystals? I've got healing, protection, love, life, trust, courage, and a few others! Only three diamond each!" I giggled, "Scar! This is a business meeting, not a 'try to sell my neighbors crystals' meeting!" "But this is my business.." He wailed.
I laughed again, even with the the knowledge that he might not like it. He burst into laughter shortly thereafter. I gave him a big grin, whenever I make somebody happy it always brightens my day. Ah Scar, always trying to sell cute little things that make him seem... quite off, but in a good way.

Wait... quite off, just like that Wilbur person that I had met. It was exactly how I had described him to Grian, and Scar also seemed to embody that. They both gave me all these vibes, strange vibes. He and Scar seemed to be quite similar, uncannily similar...


Back to Wilbur POV

As we climbed to the top of the stairs I was stopped from leaving by Grian, Mumbo was going ahead. "Uh, could you move?" I asked as politely as I could. "We kind of have to go now." "Wilbur," he said seriously. "Can you promise me you'll be careful of who you talk to from now on? It needs to be clear to people that you don't belong here, and that this is temporary. Don't make too much trouble, okay?"

That hurt me a lot, the situation I was in was quite an impossible one. I had no way to get back to my own world, where my own friends and family certainly wouldn't want to see me. Then I was in this world, Hermitcraft, where apparently I didn't belong, and 'this was only temporary'. So did I have nowhere that people wanted me? I just had to go along with it, I needed Grian.

"I promise Grian," I said, trying to suppress my frustration and anger. "I'll be extremely careful with who I talk to." He breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, that really means a lot to me." So apparently that meant a lot to him but I still didn't belong? I don't think I'll ever understand this man, I thought.

He let me go past and we rushed out to catch up to Mumbo. As he was approaching the Boatem Pole I heard something. It sounded like... voices. Suddenly Grian jumped down into the hole, and gracefully glided somewhere with.. some sort of wings! What in the world were those? "Don't worry Wilbur!" I heard Grian's voice say from somewhere down there, "Just jump down!"

Trusting his voice, I jumped down the hole. I closed my eyes, worried about what could happen. I felt a soft feeling under my feet, and I opened my eyes. I had landed on a bunch of beds on a flying machine under it! Mumbo must have built it, I thought. I breathed a sigh of relief as I was brought to safety, as I looked I realized that the ground around it was hollowed out!

I looked in front of me and saw a familiar face. It was that girl I had encountered in Grian's house! I also remembered I had pretended to be an armor stand in front of her, awkward.

I gave her a little smile and waved, trying to make a better impression. She stared at me looking like I had committed a horrible crime. My smile dropped immediately, I looked around to see who else was there.

Mumbo, Grian, a man who I didn't know, and another man I didn't know with an oddly large top hat were also there.

The flying machine brought me to the side, and when I stepped off I was wobbling a bit from the fall and landing.

Mumbo spoke up, "So everyone, thank you for coming to this emergency meeting. Clearly, as all of you have noticed, we have a visitor... kind of."
So Mumbo considered me as a 'kind of visitor', I wasn't going to complain about that. I looked at Mumbo, questioning what he would say next.
He cleared his throat, "So Wilbur," he said. "Welcome to Boatem Incorporated."

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