A Place to Stay

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As we followed Grian deeper into the house I wondered what this was about. What did Grian want to talk to Mumbo about? Why were we descending deep into his house? And would this somehow bring me home?

I looked beside me at this strange man, Mumbo Jumbo. Why was he dressed like Superman while being a potato? I might never know.

Grian stopped suddenly, there was a regular door (spruce wood) leading to some sort of room. When he opened it I discovered it was a cute little bedroom. It was mostly made of blackstone, with tons of plants and moss as decorations. There was one painting on the wall, and there were a few chests for storage. The bed was cyan, and it was tucked in a corner with a crafting table next to it.

All I could think of is the fact that cyan was a mix of green and blue and Tubbo saying, "They had sex on the crafting tableoohohoh." I chuckled and checked my inventory, and it turns out only one thing had survived my murdering. It was a L'manburg flag, how fitting. I still had the book I had compiled for Grian, I would give it to him later.

"Here Wilbur, you can sleep here while we try to figure out how to get you back home," Grian said, seeming pretty exhausted. From who? Me? Mumbo? Maybe he was just tired from so many crazy things happening. He sounded like he could use some sleep himself, but I wouldn't dare say that out loud.

"Get him back home?" Mumbo asked. "I thought he was just visiting the server?" Grian gave me another one of his death stares. "What?!" I exclaimed to Grian. "I wasn't going to tell him I was from another world?!"

"ANOTHER WHAT?" Mumbo squawked loudly, he looked at me in disbelief. "YOU'RE FROM ANOTHER WORLD!?" "Calm down Mumbo," Grian said impatiently. "If you quiet down now we'll explain what's going on."

It hit me, I hadn't told Grian that my father had killed me. Should I keep it from him, or tell him the truth? While Mumbo was still freaking out I debated in my head whether I should tell him the truth, or a kind of lying but also kind of true version. I decided to go with the half truth and half lie story.

After Mumbo had calmed down a bit Grian asked, "So what actually happened before you got transported to Hermitcraft Wilbur?"

"I was murdered," I stated flat and clear. "I lost my final life." The two men looked at me with both similar and different reactions. Mumbo was tearing up and looked like he couldn't believe anyone was capable of killing another human being on purpose. Grian was standing there with his mouth wide open, like he could believe that someone could do something like that but was shocked to find out people actually did things like that. I couldn't blame him.

The thing they had in common in their emotional reactions was that they both clearly felt bad for me, and that was more sympathy than I deserved.

"Yeah long story short I got killed while doing the best thing for the country I created," I said nonchalantly. Technically that was the truth, I was doing the thing I believed was best for L'manburg, for it to be blown up, even if no one else agreed with me.

Grian looked at me and then looked down at the ground. "You didn't tell me that..." he said quietly. "I'm so sorry," now it looked like he was about to burst into tears. Mumbo on the other hand just started bawling and gave me a great big bear hug. I hadn't had a hug like that ever since I was a young boy, since my brother Tommy scraped himself and needed me to comfort him with a big hug. I remember when I gave it to him he said, "I love you so much Wilby, promise you'll never leave me?" "I promise," I had whispered back in his ear, to my sweet, adorable, baby brother. God I missed him.

I was ripped out of my memory when Mumbo suddenly exclaimed, "Peace love and plants! People should not hurt each other!" At that I was ready to let go of him. Mumbo physically, I mean, not Tommy mentally.

I looked at Mumbo questionably and he went red, like beetroot red. "Oh," he said awkwardly. "That's just a thing of mine, I'll explain it later..." he trailed off into his thoughts.

"We'll give you some time to settle in," Grian said, leading Mumbo out of the room. Mumbo smiled and gave a little wave whilst Grian dragged him out.

I hung up my L'manburg flag with tears silently dripping down my face, hoping it would remind me a bit of home in this weird place, so far away from the people I loved.


Grian POV

I rushed up the stairs with Mumbo, hoping to get out of Wilbur's hearing range rather quickly so I could talk to Mumbo Jumbo. We finally made it to the top, we were both panting. Me from having to drag him, and him from having to keep up with me.

"What was that about?" Mumbo whined. "Mumbo Potato Man Jumbo," I said seriously, even using his fake 'Potato Man' persona. "The poor man was just murdered and all you can say is 'peace, love, and plants'!? What is wrong with you?" Mumbo sighed, looking ashamed of himself. "I didn't really think of what I was saying..." He said quietly and guiltily. "I forgot he didn't know what I was talking about, I'm sorry..."

I groaned. "Don't apologize to me Mumbo! Apologize to Wilbur!"

"Oh, so you can dictate his life now just because he's staying in your house?!"

"You don't even know what happened!"

"Neither do you really! He just showed up and you took him in!"

I breathed, trying to calm down and not lash out at Mumbo. "He met Pearl," I find myself saying haphazardly. "She said she had quite a strange interaction with him, and that he didn't say anything, and according to Pearl, and I quote, 'He turned around but tried to act like an armour stand.' This dude seems to have some serious mental issues Mumbo! When I first found him he thought he was drunk in some place called 'Las Nevadas', and he thought I was his son and called me 'his champion'!"

Mumbo's eyes went wide with shock, you could see the sympathy pouring out of him. "Okay," he said calmly and quietly. "I'm ready to listen."

"So," I say, ready to be out of breath already. "It all started when I went to go out to look for you at the Boatem Hole..."

Author's note: wow I really loaded a lot into here. when I had the idea for the Tubbo reference I felt like crying with laughter myself. Hehe DNF. I'll be trying to write as much as I can but now that I'm going back to school from break I might not as much, though I'm always coming up with new storylines in my head [;

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