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PearlescentMoon POV

I wake up. It's pitch black. Where am I? I wonder. What happened? The last thing I remember is...

Oh, Wilbur, the Boatem Hole, he had... I had... I told him the truth...

"Wilbur?" I call out, hearing my voice echo. "Wilbur? Where are you? Please!" My voice cracked. "I'm sorry I let go! I'm so sorry!"

A grunt followed, coming from somewhere to my right. "Pearl?" I heard a muffled voice say. "Pearl, I'm over here!"

I rushed over, and I kept on tripping over something that almost feel like.. tree roots. I felt something bump into me.

"Ouch!" they exclaimed. "Sorry, Pearl!"

"Wait, is that you Gem?" I asked, recognizing her voice.

She grabbed my hand. "Yes it is, and I can see some light, so let's go!"

Together hand in hand, we ran forward towards the light. When we got there we were greeted by a warm golden light, and a forest.

"Hey Pearl, Gem," Grian greeted us, stepping out. "Welcome to the Hermitcraft limbo."

"Grian," I remarked. "It's beautiful. Are all limbos like this?"

Grian's eyes darted towards Gem, who luckily wasn't paying attention. "You know, Pearl," He said to me. "I'd love to show you some of the cool things around, come with me." He smiled gently, holding out his hand.

I took it, and he led me over to a quieter part of the forest. "You okay, Pearl?" He asked, sitting down on a log. "Telling Wilbur the truth must have been hard."

I sat down and nodded, a tear now dripping from my face. "But now we have to do the thing, right Grian?"

Grian gave me what seemed like the most genuine smile ever. "Let's do it, Pearl. We'll travel the multiverse together, but first you need to learn all about it."

"I'm ready, G," I told him, a grin now forming.

"Welcome to Watcher 101, PearlescentMoon."

Wilbur POV

I awake, I can't remember the last thing that happened. Wait... Pearl. She... she had lied to me, Pearl, Grian, they both lied. They had been working together the whole time. I never would have known, I never would have suspected Pearl.

I hear a scream, a daunting scream come from somewhere. Is it Schlatt? "Schlatt?" I call out, my voice suddenly hoarse. "Schlatt is that you?"

The screaming continues, with a shout later. "LEAVE ME ALONE! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!"

Well fine, if he doesn't want to be found I won't look for him. I wander around for a few minutes, before coming across a train station.

A train station, just like Iskall and Etho had told me. The train whizzed by, but not before stopping at the station. The barriers opened up, no one stepped on. No one else was there.

If there hadn't been barriers I would have thrown myself off, I would have. Though it's not like it would do anything, I'm already dead.

"Yes, yes you are," I hear a voice say next to me. "You are dead."

There was a woman, possibly The Woman.

"W-who are you?" I stutter, looking up at her.

She was a very tall woman, she towered over me. She was wearing a very dark purple silk dress, ornamented with black and amethyst colored lace. She had a hat on that strangely looked like a witches' hat, though with a purple allium tucked under some lilac ribbon. She had on black combat boots with wicked-sharp looking spikes, too.

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